Chapter 16: Pokemon League

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Hello everyone! selena is going to the pokemon league! but i made this league abit different from the actual one in the unova game, you'll see! enjoy!
Selena stood in front of victory road next to shadow. many gym leaders were there to wish her luck.

"Its nice to see you again" Winona smiled next to skyla

"I heard you beat my cousin! thats amazing! she is much more powerful then i am! I know you can beat the league!" skyla smiled. Selena smiled back at the two.

"Thanks for taking care of my gym, i owe you one!" marlon, humilau city's gymleader, patted her on the back

"And i think you already met my girlfriend misty" he pointed at jasmine

"Misty? but she said her name was jasmine..."

"Sorry about that, i was pretty cautious even if you did help the gym, let me introduce myself, i am misty, kanto's cerulean city's gymleader" she smiled


"Yea, sorry, but now that you saved everyone and the world, you have my respect" Selena smiled hugging her.

"Im sorry for getting you caught Selena...i just wanted to check up on you..." clay said ashamed

"No worries" Selena smiled.

"You've grown up to be a beautiful young lady miss Selena" cheren smiled kissing her hand. she blushed. almost making shadow jealous. cute.

"You better win this battle! and claim the title of champion! Grandpa and i lost it, so i hope you take it" Alter and Iris laughed out loud with their hands on their hips. everyone wished her luck. Selena and shadow ran through the middle of the cave. it took hours and they still couldn't find the exit, how did Hilda do this??

"Wanna just teleport out of here?" shadow offered.

"Please?" she huffed tiredly. he chuckled and appeared at ancient looking building. "Ive been meaning to ask you this but where are the others?"

"They are busy with a movie and research, but they promise to come and see you soon" shadow explained. she sighed thinking that they were the reason she was doing this, but also wanted to know what was the special surprise waiting for her.

"Aren't you coming with me?" She asked. he shook

"No, but i will be in the stadium cheering you on with shade and dark, if they decide to make any noise, he chuckled "are you going to bring rayquaza?"

"No, 6 of my pokemon already decided that they wanted to battle the league so i didnt take it along, besides. I want to talk to it face to face so I could thank it"

"Oh i understand, well, see you soon"

She nodded and walked towards the gates. the man asked for the 8 badges and allowed her to enter. it was a dark hallway that she had to walk through.

Her team (vaporeon, ninetales, dragonite,zoroark, froslass and ditto)

She saw a light and saw tons of people in a stadium cheering. it wasn't as big as a football field, just around 1/3 of one. mom liked football a lot, so she would know how big a field was. she walked towards the battle field waiting for her first opponent of the elite four.

'Ladies and gentlemen! It is time to start the battle of the Pokemon league!!' The announcer said, everyone cheered loudly. "now, for the elite four battle!"

Selena took a look at her challenger walking up to the battle field. her eyes widened

"Hello Selena, surprise to see me?" Hugh grinned holding his pokeball

"Hugh?! your one of the elite four??" Selena asked shocked

"Of course not, but i begged one of them to let me battle you, I'm not loosing to you this time!" He smirked releasing his unfezant!

She grinned releasing her ninetales. it was a long and tiring battle. 3 of her Pokemon had fainted along with his 4(samurott,flygon,unfezent, and bouffalant) he had one Pokemon left

"You've gotten better" she admit grinning

"I trained just for this moment!" he smirked releasing his elektross, she send out her froslass.

"Elle! use wild charge!" Hugh demanded. The electric change aimed for froslass but she dodged

"Good froslass! Use double team!"froslass had multiples of herself surrounding elektross. "now use ice beam!" she shot ice onto its fins

The electric Pokemon couldn't move. Hugh encouraged it to try to shack it off but it was almost impossible!

"Lets finish this! use ominous wind!" purple haze appeared and knocked out the iced Pokemon. Everyone cheered

"Sigh...i guess you beat me again...but don't expect the next challenge to be easy" he walked away without another word disappointed.

"Hey Hugh!" she called. he turned looking confused, "good battle" she smiled. he noticed a change in her, she smiled more and was more happy, he smiled, shot a thumbs up, and walked away

Selena was taken to the Pokemon center to restore her Pokemon and was ready to compete with the next challenger. She just wished the rest of her friends were with her. who know Hugh would actually be part of the league just to have a rematch with her?

She walked to the battle field again waiting for her next challenger feeling pumped. she looked around the audience to find her friends and the shadow triad, but there was just to many people.

Nate walked into the battle field holding a ultra ball in his hands grinning. "I've been looking forward to this moment! when i first met you Selena, i could see a sparkle in your eyes. i wanted to battle you for a long time, and now that i had begged one of the elite four to let me battle, i wont loose!" Nate shouted confident releasing his arcanine

She didn't bother asking him anything and grinned releasing her vaporeon. Vaporeon took on most of the pokemon he had (mandibuzz, lucario,arcanine, and emboar) he released his last one. a strange pink moon head Pokemon

"Selena, meet my legendary Pokemon cresselia, her feathers were the reason you woke up from your nightmare" he smiled

"I see...thank you so much cresselia" she smiled. cresslia smiled back

"We met after I promised the little girl from the strange house to take it back to this Pokemon. Now time to battle! cresslia! use mist!" Nate demanded. the battle field was a foggy mess. vaporeon couldn't see anything

"Vaporeon! Use surf!" she hoped that the big wave of water would make the mist disappear but she couldn't even tell if the attack hit.

"Nice try! psychic!" Cresselia attacked the water type and knocked it out. Selena was shocked. Nate grinned. she took out many of her Pokemon, even zoroark,a dark type! but cresselia beat him in a heart beat with aurora beam.

"Go Nate!!!" Yancy shouted from somewhere in the audience.

She was down to her last Pokemon. "ninetales!" she called out nervous. she can't loose, she hates loosing... "use hypnoses!" ninetales used her super speed and put cresselia to sleep

"What?!" Nate was shocked. Selena started to sweat. he kept calling out to his Pokemon but she was still asleep.

"Use dream eater!" ninetales had eaten cresselia's dream and caused great damage.

"Wake up cresselia!" Nate panicked.

"Use flamethrower!" the golden fox shot out flames from its mouth and ended the match. Nate was in total shock that his best Pokemon had lost. he shook it off

"I must say, you are not so bad. I almost had you to" he smiled "keep it up, but remember, this is only number two of the elite four challenge, I wish you luck!" he grinned, shot a peace sign and walked off.

Selena was taken back to the Pokemon center "how am I going to do this...they are so strong, I might not be able to win..." she said to herself
Sorry for the short chapter, I'm pretty busy and stuff! but more will come along! don't forget to rate and comment! bye now!

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