Chapter Two - Rough Beginnings

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WARNING: This chapter contains violence. If you are sensetive to such material DO NOT READ.



As I pulled on my beat up combat boots, I did an imaginary fist pump because the New York weather outside was nice for once. I checked the time on my smart phone. 2:15pm. If I left now, I would make it in time.

Grabbing my phone off of my bed I dialed Valerie's number.

"Hey, Ana."

"Hey Valerie. Are you meeting them today?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course. I don't want Brody freaking out on me again. He needs to chill, he's not even in charge. Besides, I hear Chris's people have new 'recruits', as he put it."

"Yeah that's good for him. He needs more people to look after him and wipe his ass." Just as I said the words, I wished I hadn't. Memories of last night invaded my mind sending unpleasant chills down my spine.

"-I honestly don't understand how the hell someone hasn't knocked your teeth out yet." I heard her say.

"Well, thats because I defend myself and people know that if they knock my teeth out, I'll knock their eyes, brain and teeth out." I said, trying to cover up the fact that I momentarily zoned out.

Valerie laughed, probably because she knows it's true.

"Yeah, whatever." She said. "I'll see you in a bit."

"Alright, see you." I said and hung up.

I grabbed my car keys from my dresser and dug in the back of my bottom drawer for my brass knuckles. Once I felt the cool metal under my fingers I pulled it out and slipped them in the pocket of my green army jacket.

I have to say, my work attire was much different from my usual getup. But anymore, because of the increse in my work hours, my work clothes have become my usual clothes. I'm not complaining, or at least I'm trying not to, but my work is beginning to take over my free time.

As I stepped out of my apartment I called a goodbye to Brianna. As much as I loved Brianna like a sister, she didn't know about my life in Hell's Kitchen. And I don't think I'd ever tell her. Not because I don't trust her or I don't want her to know, but I'd rather protect her from what I do.

It's enough with me coming home occasionally with bruises and cuts. I conceal them the best I can, but thank god they're hardly ever on my face. And if they are, they're nothing serious. A scratch here, a scrape there and they're usually dismissed as me scratching myself in my sleep.

The drive to 11th avenue took no more than twenty minutes, and thank god for that. As I pulled up to an abandoned parking lot, I spotted my group.

Brody, my right hand person....guy...thing. He could be a real pain in the ass a lot of the time, but he's loyal, trustworthy, strong and obedient. So I put up with his anal ways.

Then there was Gabriel, my co-worker and trusted computer nerd. He was probably the only person who knew me at work and elsewhere.

Valerie, her and I got along.

One must not forget Sabrina. When she joined us over a year ago, she was shy and timid, but as time passed, her confidence grew as well as her biceps. She was a major fitness nut.

And then of course Zach. He was, well, Zach. His buff exterior didn't match his brains interior. He was basically our group summed up into one person.

I got out of my black matte Dodge Charger and made my way to the group that had stopped fooling around and now looked towards me as I walked.

"Guys." I nodded in acknowledgement towards them. "You ready?"

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