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Shea claws at Sasha's back in Ecstasy as they both reach their climax's. Sasha flops onto the bed next to Shea, and sighs as Shea pulls her into her arms placing a soft kiss on Sasha's nose, "You're amazing." Shea whispers as she wraps her legs around the other girl before going completely limp, and falling completely asleep.

Sasha watches Shea as she sleeps. She goes through her racing thoughts, and doubts with urgency wondering if she's falling for the girl sleeping in front of her. Once that word crosses her path Sasha stops herself, and reminds herself that cannot happen, 'I feel protective over her. That's not love is it?' Sasha asks herself as she watches Shea's chest rise and fall. She starts to think of how she might be holding Shea back from something bigger. Someone or something better, and right now Shea's laying in her bed. She thinks about their age difference even though Shea has told her time, and time again, 'We're only six years apart.' It stills worries Sasha she was given this job opportunity at a young age. She still sometimes thinks she took it too soon at an age where she she should still be experimenting. Sasha's face softens when Shea readjusts in her sleep so she's right next to her. 

Shea lifts her head to find the sun shining down on Sasha's back at the edge of the bed. Sasha's been sitting there since Shae fell asleep. Thinking about everything breaking her own heart over, and over again trying to find a reason to keep whatever this is going, "We need to talk." Sasha says softly with hurt behind her voice gripping onto the edge of the bed even tighter, "What's going on?" Shea asks with a shaky voice even though she already knows the answer, "I don't think we should continue this... I'll take you home, but after today I think it's better off that we don't see each other anymore." Shea holds her breath as she bites her inner cheek holding back her tears, 'Not infront of her Shea.' She thinks to herself, "You could've ended this before we had sex. Before you took my virginity." Shea states emotionless as she pulls on her shorts, and shirt. "Don't worry about taking me home I'll walk." Shea states again while swinging her bag over her shoulders not looking back. Because if she did Sasha would see the state of Shea's face. Sasha looks up from the floor to see Shea's back walking towards the door, "No I can drive you it's a five mile walk." Shea keeps her back turned before exiting Sasha's house making sure to not leave a trace of her own existence. That's what she's always been good at, disappearing into thin air out of someones life no matter how hard it hurts her. Shea's always been an expert at making other people comfortable while she suffers in silence.

Sasha hears the door shut not before long the silence consumes her. 

"What have I done?"

This is the end of Deception till the next part which is what I'm working on right now.

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