Ch.7 Move, Move, Move

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3rd Person

The alarms are all going off in Nic's house. Brielle has no idea what is going on. She goes to the fireplace, hits the statue switch, and yells down the corridor for Punisher squad to move. She runs to the pink guest room, opens the vent, and punches the button. The stairs open up in the floor and Punisher squad runs down the stairs into the HQ. Nic had radars set up and on the big main screen was the radar. There was five giant red bars moving towards the city's walls with a bunch of really small blue dots behind it.
They were all looking at it. Steve spoke first, "I've never seen a force this large."
Alex said,"who is behind them. They are badly outnumbered. I hope they aren't crazy enough to attempt to attack them."
Suddenly a recording started playing, "This is Guardian 7, the True Guardian. I need you to prepare for the fight of your lives. Prepare to defend yourself against the largest zombie invasion force I have ever seen. Summon all Guardians you can contact. And get General Pressman on the line he will know what to do. Let them know Destroyer and Finisher squads are leading an assault on the rear of the enemy army."
Then General Pressman came on the screen and said, "You have your orders Punisher squad. You know what to do. I'll get as many soldiers, Marines, and Guardians as I can to back you up. Hold the gate at all cost. You have ten minutes. Good luck. Out."
"It's Nic." Brielle was in shock. She never thought she would hear his voice again. "He's alive Steve, he's really alive." Suddenly realization dawned on her. "He's attacking them without knowing if backup is ready. He's charging in with not knowing if he will for sure have help."
Steve was in that combat mindset now. "That's Nic for you. Everyone else comes first. I don't know about you guys but I'm not standing by while my best friend gets all the excitement."
So they ran into the other guest room slid the thermometer dial over and punched in a four digit code on the keypad. The wall opened to reveal the armory. They grabbed as many weapons as they could carry and took off.

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