Ch.10 Recovery or Disaster?

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Nic's POV

I awoke in the hospital. I started dispatching my men. I sent Steve and Hunter to go get the President. I sent Kelsie and Alex to go get Jaycie. I sent Peaches and Gage to go and help protect the President. I sent Tyler to go get my friends Jesse and Ligue of Tango squad. I sent Brisbois to go pick up Kelly. Then finally I sent Zach to go get Shania. I called Jake and told him to come to the hospital. Josh and Enriquez were standing guard outside my door with M4's. Cody was by my side with my dad and step mom Kari. After awhile I was surrounded by everyone I cared about. Zach said he couldn't find Shania but that was okay. Kelly stood right by my side as I looked at everyone. As much as she tried to hide it, it was pretty obvious she still cared. She could tell I was in a great deal of pain, I was heartbroken, and that I was trying to hide my sadness.
Kelly spoke up first, "Nic, don't worry. I'll take care of Brielle. I'll get Madi and we will beat her ass. That bitch is gonna die."
I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "No! You will do no such thing. Brielle is not to be hurt and that goes for all of you."
Steve was the first to speak up. "But she tried to kill you."
"Even if she did. I will take care of her. I can still save her. She's not lost yet."
Suddenly Madi walked in and said, "well somebody's whipped."
I smiled and said, "Yeah maybe just a little."

At that moment Shania thought my dead body was at the hospital in the morgue. So she wanted to come say thanks for saving her life back in Creve Coeur. Even if I was dead and couldn't hear her, she just wanted to know she had told me. She went to the front desk and asked where Nic Hillier was being held. The lady at the front desk asked for her name.
"Shania. Shania Brown."
The lady said, "Okay. Your on the list. He is in room 305 B."
Shania looked and saw me alive. She immediately called Brielle to tell her the great news but she didn't sound to happy.

I was sitting in my bed enjoying the company of my friends. Then the door suddenly opened. My smile disappeared as I saw who it was. All my Guardians saw me looking at the door with that face and as they all turned to see who it was they drew their weapons.
I yelled, "Woah, woah, woah. Hold your fire."
Shania looked at me with watery eyes and said, "your alive? But how?"
I said, "someone tried to kill me. Don't tell Brielle please."
Shania lied and said, "I won't."
I looked around at everyone. "The reason I gathered you all here is because we have a dilemma. I mean besides the fact someone tried to kill me. We are short on Guardians. Madam President I just wanted to assure you that you can still rely on us and that we will take care of that problem. Now we are Guardians we don't just recruit anyone. Only people we know can be up for the task. Obviously we won't be able to give them all the enhancements we got. But they can get the ones that make them stronger and faster. I wanted to start this process straightaway. That is why I asked you here Jaycie, Kelly, Shania, and Madi. I want you to join us. Jaycie, Kelly, and Shania the bravery and skill you displayed in that battle was that worthy of a Guardian. Madi all the things you have done and helped me with in the past has also caught my attention. Loyalty is something I look for in my Guardians. We will train you and give you all the tools you need to be the deadliest force on the planet. If you want of course."
They all looked shocked but excited. they all said yes. Then I looked at Ligue and Jesse.
"After the death of your squad mate Ibarra. Tango squad is being disbanded for the time being. You will be joining one of our three squads until we have built up our ranks. Jesse I understand you have just finished training with Jake. You can take Tristian's spot as Finisher's scout sniper until he has recovered. Jake we are gonna need you in the field for now too.
Suddenly the nurse came in and said, "it's time to go. He needs his rest."
As they were leaving I told Jake to take the girls to the facility tonight to begin their enhancements. Then to give them basic survival, combat, and hand-to-hand training then we would put them in squads to complete the rest of their training while in the field. As everyone was heading out I grabbed Cody and pulled him close to talk. Zach interrupted us and said, "We will be waiting right outside, sir."
"Thanks Zach. I appreciate everything you do for me bro."
I looked back at Cody and said, "Now you know what to do, right?"
He nodded, "I am to track her movements and if she finds out about you or I lose her, I am to return here to execute the back-up plan and beef up security."
I nodded. "I love you like a brother Cody."
"Love you too man." He patted me on the shoulder as he left.
Once Cody was in the hall he called Zeik and told him to let him know if he loses Brielle and that he will relieve him in five hours.

~two hours later~

Cody is sitting in the waiting room of the hospital when Zeik comes running in Cody stands up as Zeik says, "I'm sorry Cody. I followed her to this address and shortly after she left I lost her. That was about twenty minutes ago. Cody yelled, "Shit!" And took off for Nic's room.

I feel a cold breeze and open my eyes. I saw the window was open and Brielle was standing next to the bed pointing a Glock right at my face.
She said, "Survive this bitch." I closed my eyes as she pulled the trigger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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