Ch.8 Last Stand

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Nic's POV

We drop Tristian off at the top of the hill with a sniper rifle. Then we pulled out the hell raisers. They are these boxes that fire ten rockets apiece all at once. Takes two people to use, and just rains hell from above. We had four of them. Zach and Gage set the first one up, Peaches and Zeik set up the second one, Kyle and Brisbois took the third, and Cody and Trevor set up the last one.
I yelled, "Lock on to your targets! Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!!"
Everyone's ears were ringing as the sound of forty rockets being fired exploded around us. We quickly abandoned the empty firing canisters and hopped in our vehicles as hundreds of zombies exploded and burst into flames. Brisbois jumped out of the truck about seventy-five yards from the zombies with a grenade launcher and RPG.
As we were getting closer to the army I yelled into my headset, "Go, Go, Go. Attack."
Florida's gates opened. Five hundred Marines and about one thousand soldiers ran out guns blazing. Then a hundred Guardians jumped down one hundred feet from the top of the wall. They were leading the Marines into battle. Leading the Guardians was Punisher squad and ahead of all of them was Brielle determined to get to Nic. I yelled into my headset, "Cannons direct fire at Berserkers and tanks. Brisbois you do the same." Suddenly cannons appeared at the top of the wall and began firing. The trucks lead the way running over zombies as we made our way into the fray. Cody followed directly behind my truck firing his Uzi as we passed zombies. Peaches was driving my truck, Zeik was in the passenger seat, and Trevor was in the backseat. Kelly, Jaycie, Shania and I were in the bed of the truck.
I yelled, "Zeik and Trevor jump out now.Go, Go, Go." Then I turned to Shania, Kelly, and Jaycie. "Stay in the truck use all the extra weapons we have back here. Peaches will park close to the wall just protect each other and this truck. Peaches, you heard me park close to the wall then join the battle." Then I got on my headset, "Zach, Gage you know what to do. Use that 50 Cal to it's full potential. If I don't make it it's been great having all of you by my side. Stay safe. Kyle let's get out there." I jumped out of the bed and landed and started firing as Kyle tuck and rolled out of his truck. Trevor and Zeik had gotten split up and they both needed back-up.
I yelled' "Kyle you get to Zeik, he needs back-up and I don't think I'll make it there in time. I'm going for Trevor. Tristian provide support for Kyle."
As I was heading for Trevor I got held up by a squad of REGs. I counted ten. I thought, "oh fuck I could take one down on my own but nobody has ever taken on ten."
I charged the first one with my chainsaw bayonet on. I cut it in half. Then I grabbed my semtex grenade, slid under it's legs as it ran at me, and stuck the grenade on its back as I continued moving. I unloaded on the next REG with armor piercing rounds as I heard an explosion behind me. The REG dropped dead just as my magazine was empty. When I got to the next one I threw my rifle at it to get it off balance. Then I tackled it to the ground shoved my desert eagle in it's face and blew it's face off. Suddenly I looked up and another was running at me so I grabbed a handful of dirt and sand and threw it in it's eyes. Then I jumped on it's back pulled out my combat knife and started stabbing it in it's unprotected neck. It dropped to it's knees then fell on it's face. Suddenly four REGs started shooting at me, I quickly grabbed the dead REG and rolled over with it on top of me using it as a shield. One of them was slowly moving closer and closer as they were all shooting at me. Just as I thought I was done for, Cody jumped off his bike just as it flew into one of the REGs and took him out as cody unloaded the rest of his magazine into the face of another REG. Then Brisbois dives at the other one and they both go down. The REG standing over me turns around to face them and as he does I sweep his feet out from under him and shove my blade deep in his skull. I stand up, grab a SCAR off the ground, and continue running for Trevor. As I do I yell into my headset, "Cody, Brisbois take care of the rest of the REGs."
I get to Trevor but he is already down, bleeding a lot, and breathing very heavily. A squad of Guardians cover me while I try to save him.
All of a sudden I hear, "This is Guardian 15, Guardian 87 is down. I repeat Mitchel is down. He has been hit I'm not sure if he is alive. I need back up. I'm under heavy fire."
I get on the comm, "Any available Guardians move to Brielle's location and provide support. Confirm if possible."
"That's a negative, sir."
"Can't risk it for one Guardian."
"We are pinned down."
"We can't spare the firepower."
With every report my heart sank more and more. Trevor had been listening to all of this. I looked at him and he could see the sadness in my eyes.
He said, "I'm not gonna make it Nic. Go to your girl. Save her, I will take as many of them with me as I can."
"Thanks Trevor." I turned around and charged into the giant group of zombies surrounding Brielle. I jumped and flew over them. I joined Brielle in the center and we stood back to back unloading round after round into the zombies.
I yelled over the sound of our guns, "So, how have you been?"
"We will talk about this later, babe."
"Lets finish this then." And we both charged the remaining group of zombies.
The rest of the battle raged on. I killed countless numbers of zombies. I saw flashes of my friends fighting for their lives. In the end we came out victorious but not without a cost. As I walked around the result of the carnage. I walked among the dead. Out of all the Marines that fought only fifty remained and only about 75 soldiers. We would need to rebuild and retrain Guardians. All that remained were Brielle, Peaches, Gage, Hunter, Zach, Zeik, Steve, Alex, Tyler, Kelsie, Cody, Brisbois, Tristian, Kyle, Ibarra, and a few Guardians from Tango squad. Jaycie, Josh, Enriquez, Kelly, and Shania were all still alive too. Trevor was gone. Captain Coronel of the wall guard was among the dead. I went over to Trevor's body. He was surrounded by tons of dead zombies. I looked down on him. I knealt down to take his dog tags when suddenly his hand grabbed my wrist and he gasped. I yelled for paramedics and they came and took him to the hospital. Brielle was so happy to see Shania again. She went up to Shania and hugged her. I smiled and waited. Brielle ran up to me, wrapped my arms around me, and we kissed. When we finally pulled away I looked her in the eyes and said, "I love you Brielle."

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