Chapter 11

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I feel my fingers moving against dirt. Am I lying on the ground? I slowly open my eyes and my sight get stuck on my feets. They're chained. As I look around I notice that we're all here, Ellinor, Benjamin, Nicholas, Micah and me. We're in a tent, a huge one. I try to move my feets but I am totally stuck.

Someone enter the tent and I quickly shut my eyes again to make the person believe that I'm asleep. "Take in the troopers and the machines!" She yelled and more people come in to the tent. Some are dressed in black leather outfits and some are wearing lab rocks.

"Take that one first" She said and point at someone, I don't dare to look. Then I hear familiar pain screams, Nicholas.

I quickly swing up from the ground. "Stop hurting him!" I yelled and I realise my mistake when every head turns towards me. Be brave, I try to convince myself.

"Take her instead" The leader said and someone grab me and unchain my legs. I get the same chills as I got before I were brought here, these black clothed people must be the same as we met last night.


"You're Mylo Dixon, aren't you?" The leader asked me as I was being chained by a chair in some kind of lab. The leader is tall and she's got short blonde hair. Her face expression seem to always look angry.

"I've heard stories about your family, very interesting things actually. Might be so interesting that I will let you live" She added.

She takes out a machine which's beeping and blinking. My body tense as I see it. "Don't worry hun. I'll just check your memories and thoughts" She said clamed like it was the most common thing to ever do.

"It might hurt" She said before connecting the machine and my arm.


The third scream. It echoed through the whole tent and they all sat there quiet not knowing what will come next.

"Do you think they're killing us?" Ellinor finally asked and everyone's head turn towards her.

"They wanna know" Nicholas answered.

"About what?" Benjamin asked as he made drawings in the dirt.

Nicholas didn't answer and no one seemed to need any answers either.


I woke up in chains again. This time with a huge bandage on my right arm and blood dripping down my cheek. Everyone were in the tent. How long had I been alseep? The sky outside were black and the last thing I remembered was a bright blue sky. I had no idea where they had taken us. Maybe to the old Amity?

"Am I the only one who have been 'checked'?" I finally asked and tried to start a conversation. I didn't want my last living day to be mute.

"You, me and Ellinor have been checked" Benjamin said. What were they even looking for in five teenagers brains? Nothing of this made any sense.

Ellinor rocked back and forward in the corner where she was tied. She looked like a wreck and I couldn't reach towards her. I could only watch her go insane.

"Why don't they just kill us?!" Ellinor scream and hit the ground.

"I know what they're looking for" Nicholas finally said. He'd been quiet for some time now and I'd almost forgot about him.

"They want me"


We'd all been holding our breaths as we waited for Nicholas to continue.

"I'm not like you guys. I'm multiplex ingenium, or multigenium" He start. That made no sense at all but we keep listening.

"It means multiple brains. It's not being divergent, it's something even more rare. Atleast I've been told so" Nicholas took another breath and shook his head.

"My brain is focused on everything. I belong to every faction. I also get future visions and I know immediatly when someone lies. The government wants me, people like me..... dead"

"So you're like a witch thing?" Micah finally say. I had totally forgotten that he'd been here too.

"Multigenium" I quickly correct him before getting quiet again.

"Mylo. I have been trying to tell you this for days, but there's more." Nicholas continues.

I fumble with my hair between my fingers as I listen carefully.

"I-I.... When I first saw you that day when we were training and you were angry, you almost punched out my stomach" He chuckled.

"But when I first saw you I-I had a vision. I saw that you were James Dixon's daughter and rumors had been going around that he's the only one who has studied my kind. So I tried to become your friend because I thought you might get me to your father" He looks down at the floor and can't even face me.

Nicholas. Sweet, smart, amazing, handsome Nicholas. Lied to me? Used me?

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed. It wasn't supose to be those words, but they seemed right at that moment.

"I would like it if you never talked to me again." I continued and threw a small stone at him. I missed and it landed on a box behind him.

"YOU LIED TO ME!" I screamed again.

Then Benjamin stood up and raised his hands. "If we're all gonna admit things today, then I wanna admit to be catastrophically in love with Ellinor Gold" He say and keep smiling. Then he sists down again.




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