Chapter 5 - The Winner

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My back hit the ground hard and I quickly bite my lower lip to hold back my screams.

''Liam is the winner!'' Eric shout and everyone cheers at him.

I try to catch my breath before I get up from the ground. This is my second failure this week and I wont make the cut if I doesn't impress any of the Dauntless people.

Willow, our blue haired instructor walk up to me. ''You need to focus'' She say and give me a water bottle. ''You're too easy distracted'' I nod and try to listen. I need some advice if I am going to make this.

''Thank you'' I say and walk pass her. I need to get away from the other transfers. I am strong, and brave. I just don't know how to fight another person eye to eye.

I put my hands on the cold stone walls and take a deep breath. Maybe I chose the wrong faction? Maybe I should have stayed in Erudite after all?

''Drowning in self pity?'' I quickly turn around and as a reflex I slam my left arm into someone's stomach.

''Ouch!'' He shriek and take a hold of my wrist. I slowly look up and see a boy who's much taller than me. He's one of the transfers. I can't remember what faction he's from. Or his name. But I remember seeing him fight.

''I notice you like to stare but you didn't need to hit me'' He say and smirk at me.

I look down on the ground and try to avoid his stare. ''I wasn't.....''

''Sure you was. I am Nicholas Peter Grayson, former Abnegation and now a transfer. If you wondered, which you probably were'' How could he have been raised in Abnegation? He act more like a Candor. Very sure of himself atleast.

''You don't seem very selfless?'' I say and cross my arms.

Nicholas only chuckle. ''You have alot of questions. But I guess that's normal for an former Erudite''

I wanna hit him, again. I wanted to be alone, he seemed to understand everything except that. He can't just come here and talk to me like he knows me?

Suddenly Eric's voice echoed through the walls. Another fight had ended. Nicholas turned around. ''My turn to fight. See you around Mylo Dixon''


I kicked the training doll once more. I had been training for over an hour but I didn't get any better at it.

Knowledge is the logical solution to the problem.

Not here. Here, at Dauntless you fight to survive. Maybe if the government falls and we need to fight, then I might get something out of this. Being brave.

I hear people coming closer. It means that it's time for fighting again. Tomorrow the results will be up and we will see who makes the cut. Hopefully I will.

Eric clears his throat. ''Welcome back victims. Let's start with Ellinor and Benjamin!'' He shout.

Ellinor walk up towards the area. Benjamin is walking close behind her. He's more than one head taller than her and a good fighter. Hopefully she wont get hurt.

''Transfers! Let's go!'' Eric say and Ellinor quickly run towards Benjamin and push him backwards. Not far, just a step. Ellinor look back at him confused, she probably thought that her hit would have made him fall.

Benjamin grabs her arm as she try to hit him. She scream in anger and kick him. He just stay there calm and take a hold of her leg. Ellinor quickly lost her balance and fall backwards to the ground.

She tries to get up as Benjamin bend over her. He whisper something in her ear as she keep kicking and trying to get up. Finally Eric announce that the winner is Benjamin. He releases her and stand up to the crowd.

Not long after Ellinor quickly jump up and run away from the room. I wanna run after her but Eric disturb my thoughts.

''Next is Mylo against Victoria!'' I glance over the crowd of transfers and my sight stop at a black haired girl. Her arms are muscular and she smile at me. A smile that says 'It will be fun killing you'.

I bite my bottom lip before walking up to the fighting area. I can do this. Think about everything you've learned and think about everything that ever made you mad, I try to convince myself. But Victoria's grin makes it hard to believe in yourself.

''Let's start!'' Eric yells and I am prepared for Victoria to make a move but she doesn't.

Finally I run towards her and just as she is about to punch me I turn left and she falls forward in a high speed. Her body is lying on the floor. This is my chance. I run towards her and kick her stomach.

When I do, she grabs my leg and twist it. I scream but I don't fall down. I need to stay on my feet. Victoria get up again and punch me in the face. My lip is now bleeding and the taste of blood makes me even angrier.

I scream again and kick her multiple times. I take a hold of her hair and drag it hard. She is about to do something as my finale kick is making her pass out. Her limp body is on the floor. Because of me.

I don't even feel guilty. I feel strong and the adrenalin is rushing through my veins.

Eric looked suprised. All of the transfers did too. Maybe they would start to think differently about me now?

''....Mylo is the winner'' Eric say. Not in a very happy or ammused tone, but it works for me.

'Mylo is the winner' that sounds very amazing to hear someone say.

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