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His puke started glowing and spun around like a mini tornado, sputtering flames it turned into Min Yoongi. Insert Weird Name Here was so Jungshook that his eyes actually popped out of his head. Min Yoongi screamed and squished them. He then ran into the house and spanked Markson, naughty boiis. The grey blob cautiously tango'd his way inside the house after Min Yoongi. He grabbed the closest maid outfit he could find and put it on, backwards. He then aggressively skipped his way to Courtney's room.

"Would you like some tea?" He smirked and asked in his best girl voice.

"Yes please, 1/2 a sugar and milk please" She smiled politely and went back to writing her fanfiction "He's a Naughty Boi" (follow TAETAExISxBAEBAE on Wattpad). He went to the kitchen and began preparing the tea. In order to make her cup of tea, Insert Weird Name Here made his way to the Markson room of the house and grabbed Min Yoongi mid-spank. He dragged the poor pale Edward Cullen like boy by the ears into the kitchen. Uses his special bandanas he keeps stuffed in his bra, he tied Yoongi to the table and proceeded to saw him in half. He then dumped the top half of his body into a giant as all heck fry pan and began to extract the sugar. It took 30 seconds to turn him into a suga cube. He was rinsing the pan in the sink when the water suddenly stopped. He put his finger up the tap to see what it was and felt something bizarre. He pulled his finger back out and a mini Yugyeom was latched onto his finger, biting as hard as the small man-child could. The grey blob wondered what he did to deserve this fate, and began sobbing on the floor. He was rolling around like a child throwing a tantrum when suddenly he heard a weird squishing sound. He sat up and turned around, only to find poor Yugyeom looking like he swallowed a grenade at Iwo Jima. The grey blob was shook that he killed an innocent person, so he needed to dispose of the body. The only place he knew he could get rid of the body completely was to stew him into the tea he was making for Courtney. He mixed it all together so he knew it was the best of both worlds. The grey blob then tip-toed to Courtney's room to give her the cup of tea. He knocked on the door because he could hear two voices, one of them belonged to Courtney, she purchased it last week, and the other was a deep male voice. Insert Weird Name Here opened the door and saw Courtney and V famous moose-taemer Kim Taehyung were knitting booties for moose calves. What caught the grey blobs attention, however, was drawn to the open draw of Courtney's bedside table. Inside was many bottles of crystallized maple syrup. It appeared to be the world's most expensive kind, by world renowned drug lord Step-Hen Hoe-Tin.

"I didn't know you were...." The grey blob started but Courtney cut him off.

"In a relationship? Yeah it grew from a life-long friendship; we were penpals in the womb. We enjoy leisurely activities such as knitting, crafting not crying, and fire" Courtney giggled.

"I was gonna say into drugs but.." Insert Weird Name Here stopped, he couldn't be bothered arguing with this pabo. He lay on the floor, listening to CourTae blabbing on about goldfish sandwiches while he thought about how he would kill her, without making TaeTae mad and sad. He suddenly had an 100w lightbulb moment when J-Hope bursted through the door and knocked him hard on the head.

"AHYA~~~~" Insert Weird Name Here screamed. He couldn't believe this beautiful angel would hurt him in such a way.

"Oh my god, my hearteu, english is so easy, let me help you!" J-Hop bent down and touch his hand to the grey blobs head. Suddenly the pain went away.

"You... you... you really ARE an angel" He was shooketh to the core, he was touched AND hurt by an angel, he must be #blessed. Suddenly Tae was throwing Courtney out the window singing "FFFIIIIRRRRRREEEEEEEEE~~~~", leaving the grey blob and J-Hope confused. Suddenly they were all breathing in smoking and rushing to get out of the house. Mark, Jackson and Bacon came running into the room and scrambled out the window after them. Insert Weird Name Here peeped down the hallway one last time before realising he was the one who caused this. Running down the hall was the lower half of Min Yoongi's body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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