Requested: Threesome

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It's based off of this picture...

     Ryan Ross: Pretty Odd era with that smexy headband

     Brendon Urie: DOAB era

    Dallon Weekes: DOAB era


      Ryan and his friends all sat in a circle for Truth or Dare at Brendon's house. Pete, Patrick, Andy,Joe, Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray, Tyler, Josh, Jon, Spencer, Dallon, and Brendon decided to play. "EMO TRUTH OR DARE," Pete screamed. "Shut up Pete," Frank barked. Ryan giggled at the two's bickering and looked at everyone who had confused looks on their faces. "So who's going first?" Josh asked.

       "I wanna go first," Pete blurted out in excitement. "Alright then," Josh replied. "Ok... hmm... uh Patrick truth or dare?" Pete gleamed. Patrick turned red from all of the stares coming his way. "U-Uhhhh... truth," he said quietly. "Ok so Patrick... who was you're first kiss?"

     "Pete you sound like a teenage girl," Frank retorted. "Shut up Frank let my little Patty answer the question," Pete said. Patrick rolled his eyes at the nickname Pete gave him, "I-It was you Pete..." "Aweeeeee really?" Pete cooed. Patrick nodded while turning read which led Pete to hug the living hell out of him. Ryan smiled at the cute moment happening and slightly blushed. "You know Ryan we could spark a magical moment like that if you want," Dallon said while nudging the boy. Dallon had a smirk on his face while looking at Ryan. Ryan blushed and giggled at Dallon's obvious flirting.

     Brendon heard and saw of this happening and gave a slight glare to Dallon. Dallon knew Brendon wanted to have Ryan to himself but so did he. It was a constant battle between the two men for Ryan. Ryan was like the little rabbit stuck between two fighting foxes. Unlike foxes Brendon and Dallon wanted to fuck Ryan.

     The game started  again after Patrick asked Mikey truth or dare. "Uh.... truth," Mikey said. "What's the most embarrassing thing you posted on social media?" Patrick asked. "Uhhh... it's just me on the couch... just posing..." Mikey said seeming very uncomfortable. "Oh wait you mean this picture?" Gerard asked while holding up his phone showing everyone the picture.

 "Oh wait you mean this picture?" Gerard asked while holding up his phone showing everyone the picture

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      Everyone started laughing their asses while poor Mikey slumped in his seat. Ryan went over and patted Mikey's back saying comforting words to him as everyone was still snickering. Once that was over, everyone gathered again and Mikey asked Gerard truth or dare. "Uhhh... I choose Dare!!" Gerard exclaimed.

         "Alright...I dare you an extremely unflattering picture of yourself to Instagram."

      Gerard glared at Mikey and grabbed his phone and switched it to the camera. He made a really ridiculous face and snapped a photo.

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