Sin City we don't talk about it

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Summer of 2008

               The chilly night had set in Vegas. The band wanted to visit the famous Sin City. Ryan stared into the blinding lights in the city. Casinos and fancy hotels everywhere. They were all settling down after the release of their second album, pretty. odd.

It was a phenomenal view of Las Vegas. Ryan felt they needed this, tensions were rising in the band. Brendon and him would fight a lot more than usual. Most of it would be stupid stuff but their different aspects on music started to arise. Ryan wanted to continue with the psychedelic vibe they were going at. Brendon didn't want to, he wanted to switch their music genre.

At times Ryan found it difficult to work with the other man. He was so pushy about what he wanted for the band. Jon was in with Ryan, both discussed about their problems with each other. Ryan didn't want to go to Brendon anymore to resolve conflicts he may be having. As difficult as it was Ryan washed his mind out. He wanted to start fresh, have a new mindset. Maybe then it will workout with the whole band.


The band decided on a nice hotel with two suites. Jon and Spencer paired up in another room while that left Ryan to Brendon. Maybe it will get better Ryan thought. They made their way to their designated rooms.

Ryan set his bag down and looked from the window at the bright city. It dawned upon him that he shouldn't be in this hotel. This is Sin City, the brightest and wildest place to be. Why was he still here?

"I'm going out," Ryan stated grabbing his coat and walking towards the door. "I'm going with you," Brendon called after him following in his footsteps. Ryan's shoulders tensed at his friend's way of accompanying him. He wanted to explore on his own, wanted to find a nice bar and maybe meet someone. A girl perhaps. Or...a guy. Ryan couldn't help his contradicting thoughts at the moment.

         "Where are we going?" Brendon asked as they were walking off the elevator. "I don't know, I was thinking a casino or a bar," Ryan shrugged. Ryan heard Brendon chuckle and he turned his head towards him. "What's so funny?"

      Brendon waved his hand in the air, "It's nothing just didn't think you'd be up for something like that."

      "Like what?"

    "Never mind."


It wasn't a surprise to Ryan that both of them made it to a private club. It was really expensive and fancy which was hard to get into. Ryan watched unamused at the loud music and the sweaty bodies clashing with each other.

         He didn't want to be here anymore. Quite frankly he didn't know why he came with Brendon. All he does is get drunk. Ryan isn't looking for another mistake to make tonight. He sat at the bar asking for a water while listening to snickers around him. Yeah they were older gross men who had nothing better to do than get drunk and probably bang drunken young girls. Once his water came he took a sip, he could hear men around him laughing as they chugged their beer. "Hey kid a bar isn't a place for young boys like you," a gruff voice spoke beside him. He turned to face a middle aged man with prominent wrinkles on his face.

        "I'm not a kid," Ryan replied setting his water glass down. The man chuckled drunkenly as he continued to stare at Ryan's face. Ryan didn't want to stand down to this drunk bastard. The man grinned revealing yellowed teeth. Ryan leaned backwards as he felt uncomfortable with that man's stare. "You got a pretty face on you kid," the man tried hopelessly flirting with him.

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