I'm only crazy for you

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•Creepy Psycho Ryan(Ooo plot twist)
•Dark humor and writing
•Explicit content



"Tick tock goes the clock tick tock tick tock," Ryan sang watching the ticking grandfather clock in front of him, while playing with the end of his skirt. "Ooo it's 3:15, he's just arrived," Ryan cheered jumping up and running to his bedroom window. He peered through the blinds and spotted him. Brendon Boyd Urie, 17, can sing, plays baseball, he's the pitcher, he lives in a one story dark blue house with his other siblings, he's the youngest, he's Mormon, his birthday is on April 12th, and he's 5'9".

Ryan didn't call it stalking more like spectating him with a good motive. Ryan knew a lot about Brendon, he loved to look through his social medias and old photos. Ryan grabbed his polaroid and took a picture. He waited for the picture to slip out and he started to dry it. He watched on as his "lover" continued walking down the street and disappearing around the corner.

The picture was finally settled and Ryan squealed in happiness. "So pretty, my pretty Brendon Urie," Ryan cooed at the picture. Ryan giggled and ran to his closet shutting it behind him and turning on the light revealing his insane antics. There in his closet he had hundreds of pictures of him. He taped up his newest addition to the wall and smiled. He gave it a quick kiss and backed away blushing and giggling.

"Oh Brendon you're so sweet," Ryan said cheekily while delicately tracing his fingers on the his photographed face. "I love you so much Brendon! Do you love me?" Ryan questioned fluttering his eyelashes at Brendon. There was silence for a moment before Ryan broke it. "Of course Ryan, I love you so much I never want to be with anyone else other than you," Ryan said intimidating Brendon's voice. "Oh stop it you're making me blush," Ryan spoke as himself.

This switching of personalities kept continuing until Ryan heard his doorbell ring. "Oh my looks like I have a guest I'll be back Brenny," Ryan grinned kissing his many photos of Brendon before running to the front to door. He opened it to find his best friend Patrick standing at the doorway.

"Oh what a surprise Patrick! What are you doing here?" Ryan questioned. "W-Well we have to kinda work on that science project today," Patrick answered. "Oh right! Silly me I completely forgot I was caught up with some things," Ryan giggled. Patrick slowly nodded noticing Ryan's odd behavior. Patrick knew Ryan was "different" compared to other people. For instance Ryan liked to cross dress, a lot. Patrick always just lived with the fact Ryan wasn't like the rest of society but he still loved him. "C'mon Patty don't want you to stand out there all day come inside," Ryan cheered pulling Patrick inside.

Patrick closed the door behind them and followed Ryan to his room. Patrick set his backpack down and pulled out his science materials. "Alright Ryan do you remember where we left off for the project?" Patrick asked making sure Ryan was on the same page as him. Ryan nodded seeming to be staring intently at his closet. Patrick felt a ping of curiosity and unnerving feels. "Ryan...is everything ok?"

"Y-Yes everything is fine," Ryan answered still not taking his eyes off of the closet. "What's inside the closet Ryan?" Patrick asked. "N-Nothing," Ryan stuttered trying to sound convincing. Patrick stood up and stormed to the closet. "Wait no don't go in there," Ryan blocked him by pressing his back the door. "Ryan move now," Patrick demanded.

"B-But it's nothing Patty I swear I'm positive please it's nothing. I'm not hiding anything it's just a closet," Ryan tried to convince him giving him concerned eyes. Patrick grabbed Ryan's thin arm and yanked him aside using his other hand to throw the closet door open. He was horrified at the sight upon him. It was like a shrine or something. There laid hundreds of photos of Brendon and many other creepy items. Such as school papers with his writing, or a pencil he used, even worse there Ryan kept a shoe of Brendon's. He didn't even know how Ryan even got all of this stuff but he knew this was out of control. "Ryan...this..this is nuts," Patrick spoke in disbelief. "No Patrick! It's ok, it's nothing that's just my possessions," Ryan explained seeming like he was innocent. "Ryan this is stalking! You're stalking him," Patrick exclaimed looking through all of the different pictures of Brendon.

"Ryan...are you taking your meds?" Patrick asked him. Ryan paled and anger grew in his eyes, "I don't fucking need them," Ryan growled. Patrick flinched at Ryan's mood change. "Look Ryan I know you think you're ok but look at yourself, you're not healthy," Patrick tried to explain. "I KNOW I'M OK I DON'T THOSE FUCKING PILLS," Ryan screamed his face growing red with pure anger. "RYAN YOU'RE NOT OK, YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR PILLS YOU'RE INSANE!" Patrick was met with a hard slap to his cheek.

The smaller boy stumbled back and held his burning cheek while staring fearfully at Ryan. He fell to the ground scared of his friend and what he had become. Ryan's mood changed instantly to sympathy and he dropped to the ground and crawled to Patrick. "Oh I'm so sorry Patrick, I didn't mean to hurt you. But you made me mad saying I'm insane. I'm not crazy ok? OK?" Ryan yelled asking for an answer. Patrick choked on an answer and nodded unable to speak. "Ok good," Ryan spoke soothingly with a hushed voice, "It's just you don't understand my love for Brendon. I know he will be mine, I want him to be with me. It's like destiny Patrick." Ryan moved closer embracing the strawberry blonde boy. "We're in love with each other except he doesn't know it yet. And pills certainly won't help with my love for him. They are just another thing in the way so I smashed with a sledgehammer," Ryan spoke with such calm and ease in his voice. It sent shivers down Patrick's spine hearing this come out of his friend's mouth.

Ryan gripped Patrick tighter brushing his hand against the other's arm. "Patrick promise me you won't be in my way for my love for him. Promise me you won't be in the way," Ryan demanded. Patrick swallowed down his confidence and made a small noise as Ryan tightened his grip. "Patrick...promise me you won't get in my way," Ryan spoke through gritted teeth. "I-I promise," Patrick spoke with so much fear. Ryan loosened his grip and smiled, "Good."

"I knew I could count of you Pattycakes," Ryan chucked which scared Patrick even more. "Ah I knew you were always there for me," Ryan sighed. They both stayed there for what seemed like an eternity. Patrick's heart was pumping as he knew he couldn't do anything for Ryan. He was gone. He was insane.

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