Chillin in The Jet

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It was about 10:30 and everyone was still walking around New York. We're leaving to head to Paris at like 12 and I'm wore out.

"Hey guys." I said. They all looked at me. "I think imma head back to the jet. I'm tired and don't want to slow you guys up." They all smiled and nodded. Pattie spoke up. "Justin.." He looked at her. "Why don't you walk Ashley back to the jet so she doesn't have to walk alone?" "Oh it's okay-" I started to speak. He interrupted. "No it's okay. I don't mind. I'm a little tired myself." He smiled at me, which of course caused me to smile. "Bye guys" I said. They all said bye an me and Justin started to walk back to the jet. "Won't this be awkward?" I asked. He chuckled. "How so?" I shrugged. "I don't know i mean we're two young adults going to a private jet. Alone. At 10:30 at night. With no one else around." He smirked and looked at me from the corner of his eye. "Ohh do we gots a dirty girl here?" I laughed and slapped his shoulder lightly. "OMG Justin! Haha no you freak!" "You bet!" He interrupted. I really can't take him seriously. "Wow" I said monotone. "You have issues." We both laughed. "I'm just kidding" he said. "I'm pretty sure the pilot is still here." I was happy and sad at the same time. "Oh okay" I lightly smiled.

About 10 minutes later we arrived infront of the jet. Just as we were about to walk up to the stairs the door opened. The pilot stepped out. "Oh hello sir, mam. I was going to run and get something to eat. If you don't mind?" He smiled. Justin chuckled. "Go ahead man. Why didn't you just fly." Justin joked. The pilot laughed. "See you in a bit." He said before leaving. Justin looked at me as he walked in. "Well that rules out the pilot. Guess we are alone." He smirked and winked. Wow this boy is really something. I blushed. "Haha" I giggled slightly. "I'm just kidding girl. We don't have to do anything an if I make you uncomfortable ill go in a different room." I looked at him awkwardly. "Are you kidding!?" I said an continued. "I'm the flight attendant here. Ill be going in a different room if you want me too. And you don't make me feel awkward!" He smiled. "Good so. Will you stay?" "If you want me to" "I do. Trust me." I blushed even more. "Gosh you really are a dirty girl aren't you?" I laughed. "No but if you knew my friends you'd understand why I'm this bad. Haha" he chuckled. "Nice. So you wanna watch a movie or nah?" "Wow Justin. Wow." "What?" He laughed. "Or nah? Really?" I raised my eyebrow. He just shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "So what movie?" "Umm i don't know you choose!" He smiled. Oh no that can't be good. "Okay how bout this? I heard its really good!" He put something in the DVD player and turned it on. Oh nice. He's watching Believe! I love this. I kinda flipped out and I might have smacked him from excitement. "OMG JUSTIN YAS BAE YAS OMG FANGIRLING I CAN'T EVEN OMG BAE YAS!" I kept jumping around. Glad we weren't flying. He looked at me funny then laughed. I blushed. "Sorry." I tucked some hair behind my ear. "Haha it's okay cutie." I blushed more daggon it! "Why don't you go get changed and be comfortable." "Okay you too!" He smiled and we walked off. I put on a shirt and the shoulders fell off a little. Like they hung low if you know what kind of shirt I mean. Anyway. And some short shorts. It's just me and him ill change later. I walked bak in and sat down in the chair and started to get comfy. I didn't even hear him come in but I jumped when someone lifted me from the chair and placed me on their lap. I looked at Justin who was in sweats and shirtless. "Zzayyyyummm baee!!" I stopped because he smiled. "Did I say that out loud?" He laughed. "Yup" I blushed again. Man I need to get used to this I hate blushing. He looked at me up and down. "Damn. Don't look so bad yourself." Here I go. You know what happened. I blushed. He chuckled and we just sat there. Silently. I broke the silence "so uhh. Gonna start the movie?" "First. Does this jet have popcorn?" I laughed. "Duh!" He smiled. "Let's go!!" We walked into the kitchen to make popcorn. He left to the bathroom I think. I stood there waiting on the popcorn. I felt hands around my waist and jumped slightly. I heard a deep chuckle and knew it was Justin. Dang that's sexy. He's too much. "Good it's done." He said. He sounded tired now. It was sexy. "Yeah. Umm" I was basically lost in his sexiness. "So lets watch." I went to sit in the chair beside him but he grabbed my waist and sat me back on his lap. I don't mind. After a while he reclined the chair and we fell asleep. I was laying on his chest and he was snoring slightly. Can we just take a minute BC he would be so cute. I just can't. Okay.

Justin's POV:

I woke up from my little nap and saw the credits on the movie. I stretched then looked down on my lap and smiled. She's so cute. I really want to date her. Not just have sex and lose her. She's different. I might actually love her. How though? I've only known her for like less than a day. But I really get happy around her, she puts knots in my stomach, what am I doing? I like this. A lot. Just chilling on the jet with her. I think this could turn into something good. Great. Perfect.

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