Wakey Wakey.. Eggs and..oh..

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Ashley's P.O.V:

I woke up from my little nap and saw that Justin was still sleeping. He had a little smile on his face and I couldn't help but to smile. I slowly got off of his lap and went to the bathroom, but first I turned off the tv because the movie was still playing and it was kinda loud. I walked into the bathroom and almost screamed when I saw my hair. Dear Lord how does hair get this bad over a period of like 30mins? Whatever. I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. I can't believe no ones back yet. It's like 11:30. I walked to the kitchen to get a snack. I jumped at the feeling of cold hands around my bare stomach. My shirt was a lil short. I turned around and once again there was Lord Sexiness himself standing there. Looking good. With his hands on my waist. I think he's trying to kill me.

"Uhh good morning!" I said. He giggled a low, deep giggle. I thought I was about to pass out. Like I was weak in the knees and I just I don't even know. He's too much. "Are you cooking breakfast or something?" He asked. I laughed. "Umm no" I said a little sleepily. He shook me a little and laughed. "Why noooot Wakey Wakey eggs and.." I saw him glance at the clock. He continued. "oh." I dropped to the floor and about died. That was the funniest thing I've ever experienced an I don't even know why.

"Yeah. So uh. Do you want a snack because that's all I've gotten?" I said. He looked embarrassed. "Umm no thanks. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He said shyly then walked away. I giggled a little bit. He's so cute. I heard something but I could barely make out what it was. I walked to the bathroom door because I was pretty sure that's where it was coming from.

I heard talking. All I heard was-

"Ughh!! You're so stupid! You're going to ruin everything with her Justin! What's wrong with you man!? You're making yourself look like a complete idiot! You like her man. A lot!! Don't screw this up stupid! Ugh!" BANG POW BOOM! There was a loud crashing sound and I jumped. I ran back to the kitchen frightened. He came back out.

"So what are you getting for a snack?" He asked like nothing had happened. "Umm nothing. Just some chips." I said maybe a little too nervously. "You okay?" He said as he walked back to his room on the jet. "Uhh yeah why?" He came back to the kitchen and hugged me from behind. "Good because I don't want anything to bother you." He said and smiled. I giggled. "And why's that?" He laughed and picked me up. He carried me over to his bed a laid me down. "Because... Because. I think. I love you." I chocked on my spit and basically jumped up. I was sitting now and I was smiling uncontrollably. "What!?" I kinda halfway screamed. "Yeah. I think I do. Will you please be my girlfriend so I can know this is true?" He smiled all shyly. Somehow my smile managed to grow even more. "Yes!" This time I did scream. I jumped up into his arms and hugged him. I was almost in tears and its not like he asked me to marry him so I don't know why I flipped out so much. Oh wait. Maybe because it was JUSTIN DREW BIEBER! Anyway. I finally got my cool back. I pulled back from the hug and looked dead into his eyes. It was just an intense stare. Suddenly his lips were on mine. They were moving in sync. It was like a movie. His lips were perfect. They were so soft and full. His tongue softly touched my lips asking for entrance. I let his tongue explore my mouth as mine did the same. Nothing to bad happened. Just a hot steamy make out session. He laid me down and got on me, but it was interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

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