A Date..?

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This whole competition thing between me and Justin is driving me crazy. He so attractive and basically him breathing turns me on but ugh I need to end this dang thing soon. I'm gonna go insane before its over. I wonder if I'm even having any effect on Justin. Ugh! why am I not as sexy as him?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone talking.

"Hey. Ash. Babe?" I snapped my head towards Justin. "Hey baby" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "What are you doing later?" he asked. I laughed. "Well I'm in Paris. With you. On your trip. I don't know you tell me" he smiled and put his arm around my waist. He pulled me close. "Good. How about we go on a uh. A date tonight?" I almost choked. "A date?" he looked down at me. His golden eyes piercing through me. "Yeah. I wanna go on a date with you. I wanna show off my girl to everyone. Besides we haven't even gone on a date yet." I thought for a minute. This is true. "Okay." I smiled then continued. "So where do ya wanna go?" I asked. "Umm how about the EiffelTower?" He asked. my eyes widened. A lot. "Oh my God!" I basically screamed. "Haha wanna go there?" he asked like it was nothing. "Um YAS!" I did scream this time like it was the most obvious thing BC duh. (lol my fangirl sides comin out) "okay well you can do whatever to get ready although you're already beautiful the way you are." He ran his fingers along my arm and used the other hand to move hair behind my ears. He lifted my chin. He looked right in my eyes and smirked. I could basically feel myself melting in his arms. 'Snap out of it Ash. He's playing you. Remember the contest.' I smirked to myself knowing what he was doing. I decided to play along. I stepped closer to him and placed one hand on the small of his back kind of like a hug and the other on his abs right at the waist of his pants. I trailed my finger along his shirtless abs and looked up at him. I stood up on my toes and pecked his nose. I let go of him and backed up a bit. I winked at him and turned around swiftly making my hair flip with me. I walked off. Satisfied. Knowing he was watching my every move. I could feel his eyes burning my body so I bent over accidentally on purpose to pick up my sucker I dropped. I stayed with my back to him. His eyes still glued to me. I slowly unwrapped the sucker and put it in my mouth. I turned back to him without looking at him. I walked over to the kitchen and threw away the paper. I looked back at him as I was walking to the bedroom. I smirked and winked and gave a little wave. I giggled at his response of frustratingly pulling his hair and smiling and shut the door. I plopped down on the bed and clicked on the tv.

'This is your first date since. Sam.' 'Shut up'

I said to myself

'Oh come on. You remember Sam right? tall, handsome, dark but soothing eyes, deep yet caring voice, toned body, nice smile, hair that just made you fall for him, sweet guy.. until you said those words. You remember him..' 'shut up shut up shut up!!'

"Shut up!" I said but apparently the last one was out loud. I saw Justin standing there looking he went from happy to sad. "I just asked what time you wanted to go on our date.. I'm- I'm sorry.." he rushed out of the room. Crap! ugh! I jumped up and ran after him. "Justin wait!" I found him in the closet with his head in his knees. He was crying softly. I sat down beside him. "Justin" I said in barely a whisper. "Justin. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I was talking to myself in my head and it just came out I swear. I didn't even know you were there. Im so sorry please!!" he raised his head and I wiped his tears. "What could you have possibly been telling yourself to shut up for?" he asked halfway smiling. I can't tell him about Sam. I've never told anyone about Sam. Not even Amber. I've completely forgotten about Amber. I feel bad about that now. "Uhh. I was trying to get myself not to give up on our contest. Yeah. You're really sexy" at this point I don't care about our contest. I just don't want to tell him about Sam. Not right now anyway.

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