|| Prologue ||

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Smokes swirls out once I exhale as my feet trample the cold snow that covers the sidewalk. My destination is right in front of me. The old, run down house looking as though it had participated in a fire. It's walls begin charred and ashes littering the burnt porch.

My boots step onto the weak wood of the porch and a creak echos out. I enter the house through the doorless arch and memories that tortured me for so many years entered my head.

I bring the cigarette I hold up to my mouth, inhaling. I exhale through my nose as the cigarette stays between my lips.

"Put your hands up!" A rather familiar voice shouts at me as the click of a gun echos out through the burnt house. I take the cigarette from my mouth, exhaling more smoke as I turn to face a childhood friend, Luke.

He wears a coat over his white dress shirt and he is fitted in some dress pants, matched with dress shoes. Somethings that catches my attention are the badge dangling from his neck and the hand-gun in his grip.

Speechless surprise dawns over his expression as he looks at me. His hands lowering the gun ever so slowly. After a while be speaks, "Jonathan?" The use of the name I haven't heard in so long brings the slightest amount of joy into my heart.

"Luke." I spoke, breathing out more smoke before dropping the cigarette and stepping on it, "been awhile."

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