·| 11 | Some Sort Of Betrayal | 11 |·

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Evan's POV

Seeing Jonathan and being able to hug him was the best part of my day. Everything else that happened, not so much.

I had gone to Luke's in the first place to discuss my meeting with the masked killer as well as a few ideas of how to meet him again. After that I had gone back to the forest to retrieve that baseball bat I know the psycho left behind.

Now I sat in one of the couches at base. I was going to sleep here, again. I couldn't go back home. Not after doing what I did and hearing what I heard. Marcel wasn't the one at fault, and yet I punched him anyways.

I hang my in shame, soon rubbing my hands over my face. There was no doubt that Marcel won't trust me again. He won't. I know he won't. How could he? His leader went crazy. His leader- I am still going crazy.

"You know, staying up this late isn't good for your health." An accented voice made me look up. I saw Brian standing there, leaning against the wall and looking at me.

"What are you doing here?" I quizzed, and he pushed himself off the wall, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"I could ask you the same question. You slept here last night too, why?" I was taken aback. How did he know I spent last night here?

As if he read my mind, he spoke again, "I have been spending my nights here for a while now. Brock and I had a...disagreement of a sort."

This surprised me, and curiosity hit me like a truck. "What did you guys argue about?"

"He- I... I suspected you of being the killer. I did. I don't anymore, but the thought had stuck with me for a while. Evan, I can't see you doing that. I really can't and I don't know what got me thinking that you could. Brock was defending you too, I wish I agreed with him. He won't talk to me even though I said that I believe him. I believe in you Evan." At first his words brought an anger, now they made me give him a small smile. I wish I handled my conversation with Marcel this way. I wish I listened to him enough to hear his words properly.

"Thanks Brian." I fidgeted with my hands before sighing and looking him in the eyes, "who else thinks I am the murderer?"

Brian opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it, and he continued to do that until he found the right words.

"After your outburst with Marcel, Tyler went on edge and called a meeting. A meeting...without you. He informed everyone of what happened. He asked who thought you were capable of murder and everyone but Lui, Luke, Craig, and Brock raised their hand. They are the only people on your side besides me."

"Luke was there? Was Jonathan?" Brian shook his head and I felt relieved. I didn't want him thinking the same as the others.

The others.... My heart felt like it was stabbed repetitively. My friends thought I was the murderer. I thought they had more faith in me; more trust...apparently not.

"Fuck them." I muttered, "we can find this masked fucker on our own." Suddenly an idea popped in my head. I don't know why, but I thought it'd be best.

"Call the ones on my side, get them to gather their stuff here and meet at the office." I ordered, standing up and wiping the tears I hadn't realized fell from my cheeks.

"Which office?"

"My office."


"What is this about?" Craig asked, setting his box of electronics and such on a desk I had moved in here.

"We are finding the masked fuck." I answered vaguely, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned against another desk.

"Yeah, we get that, but why are we here?" Brock pointed to the ground, symbolizing that he is referring to the whole room.

We were in the basement of my building. I had a building, actually owned a company passed down to me by my father and mother. They had recently retired, moving off to god knows where to do whatever. Fong Enterprises - not my choice in name. It reminded me of Batman to be honest. The whole: vigilante by night and business man by day. Although I hardly worked here, I still owned it. I spent most of my time doing paperwork while Lui handles the meetings and such. It is also his cover.

"It smells."

"Shut up Brian. Evan, seriously, why are we here?" Brock asks again, gesturing to the basement by waving his hands around.

"You guys are the only ones that believe I am not the murderer. You guys don't suspect me capable of such a thing. I appreciate the trust and faith you guys have in me. Now, since the rest of our 'crew' goes against me, we will find this freak on our own. And I have a little plan for that." I smirk, glancing at all the friends in front of me.

"Seriously, it smells."




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Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day! :)


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