·| 9 | Baseball Bat | 9 |·

969 43 7

Jonathan's POV

Yesterday was epic, so much fun. Me and some of the gang went out and killed a bunch of people. We did it every year since Bryce, Ryan, and I got out, but it never seemed to lose it's fun.

Tonight, I was roaming around. A baseball bat over my shoulder and my mask over my face. I was looking for another victim, and luckily I had spotted someone on a park bench alone.

I was walking up from behind him, examining the back of his figure.

He was wearing a red leather jacket, two white stripes on both of the sleeves. His hair was black and even though he was sitting down, he seemed tall. His shoulders were a little broader, either he worked out or it was apart of his natural body type.

I was close to the bench, only a couple more steps and that's when he wipped around, brown eyes glaring at me.

I stood shocked, for there I saw Evan, the one man I never thought I'd see again. His disappearance brought me pain, so much pain, but I would give anything to go up to him and hug him.

"What do you want?" He growled out, and I couldn't help the warmth that spread through me just by hearing his voice. Sadly, I had to put up an act.

"That is a good question, sweet cheeks, but if you watched the news then you might already know." Last night, everyone except me carved my mask into their victims. "Well, and if you have ever seen a horror movie."

"If you want my life, take it." He shrugged his shoulders before a smirk spread across his face, "but you will have to catch me to get it." With that he sprinted in the other direction.

It reminded me of high school. In science he took my beanie and ran off after saying similar words. I smiled at the memory before realizing he had already entered a nearby forest.

I bolted after him, it was a bit hard to do so I had dropped my bat on the way. I could pick it up later. He was fast, and I doubted I would catch up to him as a human, so I shifted into a raccoon.

Eventually, he had slowed down, leaning against a tree as he caught his breath. His eyes searching for me, but instead he found a raccoon trotting up to him. I watched as his brows furrowed and he kneeled on the ground, holding out his hand to me in curiosity and amazement.

I would do the same if I found a raccoon with bright glowing eyes.

Then he pulled his hand away, standing up all too quickly. "So you can shift into animals?" This took me aback, and to answer his question I shifted back into a human.

"That answer your question?"

"You forgot your bat." He spoke so innocently as he pointed behind me, I don't know why, but I had looked behind me and when turned back my cheek was met with a fist. I had a mask on, but it didn't do anything other than hide my identity. It's plastic too, I had heard it crack from the impact. I didn't know how bad so I quickly shifted into a raccoon and sprinted away. I could pick up my bat tomorrow.


"Ah shit." I muttered, entering my house. I had just remembered I was supposed to move into Luke's today. I hadn't packed the previous night, too busy with 'celebrationsc and it was too late now.

I wander to the kitchen, checking to see if anyone is there before going to the fridge. I opened it, my eyes scowering it's contents before I slammed it shut because of the lack of good food.

"Jon..." Ryan's voice echos through the quiet kitchen and I turn to see him leaning against the door frame, a crumpled up paper in hand. There was no eye contact for he was staring at the paper.

"This is...this is what you did - what tou went through?" He held up the paper, showing me the large black letters written with poor hand writing. It was a suicide note I had written when I was 16.

"That...I meant to throw that out." I remember it. I remember keeping it in my pocket everywhere I went. It came with me to the lab. They didn't dispose of it, probably not even reading it. It spoke of the shit I did, shit I went through both mentally and physically.

"Well, you didn't. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that happened to you and if you need anyone, call me. You're still moving out right?" His words made me smile and he was staring into my eyes the whole time. It's the first time anyone has ever said that to me and I am so glad I heard them. I am lucky to have him as a friend.

"Thanks, Ohm." I give a small smile, "Anyways, mushy stuff aside. I am moving out. It was supposed to be today, but it's late and it's not like I can drive my non-existent car there." I chuckled.

"I could drive you. I'll even help you pack." He offered, folding up the piece of paper, "as for this." He holds it up before stepping on the foot button to open the trash can and throwing it in. "Poof." He makes explosion hand gestures as the trash can closes.

I chuckle at his antics, "thanks Ohm."


Short, I know. I have just been losing motivation, not just for the book. Just to wake up in the morning and do shit. Anyways, this is continuing, don't worry!

I didn't edit this either...so um...sorry. I might do it later though.


Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day! :)


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