·| 13 | Surprise, Surprise | 13 |·

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Evan's POV

It had been a week or so since I last talked to my other friends. I mostly stayed at the company during the day and night, actually doing my job as a boss and sleeping. I had only run into one of them once, and that was when I was taking suitcases of my stuff out if my room.

I grunted, the corner of the suitcase colliding with the door frame. Curses tumbled out of my mouth as I shifted it. It was heavy; full of clothes, almist everything in my drawer.

I had already managed to get my other suitcases to my car, and thus was the last one. From my knowing, no one was home and I definitely didn't want to run into anyone.

I entered the elevator, expecting it to be empty. So, when David stood there, hands behind his back, and a hard glare pointed at me; I jumped back.

I regained my composure, straightening my shoulders and fixing my jacket. I calmly rolled my suitcase in the small, deadly quite, moving room.

Glances were made between us, and only when the elevator dinged and I stepped out did David say something.

"You're focked up."

I whipped around, keeping a calm posture, "why's that?"

He scoffed, "ya fockin' murder people."

I glared at him, my eyes slits as they express my growing anger.

"I have never killed anyone or anything. If you were actually my fucking friend...you would fucking know that!"

I sighed, remembering the emotion that crossed his face, and the stomps that echoed through the lobby as I walked away.

I missed them, I did, but I don't know if they missed me. I really don't.

"Hey, Mr. Fong, you have a visitor." Lui's voice interrupted my thoughts and I glanced up to see him poking his head out in the doorway. He had a huge smile on his face, something I love to see on all of my friends; no matter if they doubt me or not.

I gave Lui a nod, and he pushed the door open, stepping aside and letting the visitor in first.

A smile broke out on my face when a certain blue-eyed man stepped in. He had a goofy smile set across his face, and he wore a pale blue dress shirt paired with black slacks and shoes.

He approached my desk, and I stood out of old habit.

"Mr. Fong, pleasure to meet you." His smile seemed to widen as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I did so, and I watched as his bright eyes flickered all over my person. It made me self-conscious, no doubt. The small thoughts of: do I look ok? Is my fly up? Is there something on my face? Is there something on my clothes? Are my shoes tied? Do they even have laces?

"Pleasure is all mine, Mr..." I dragged on, hoping to send him the message of 'fill in the blank'.

"Winslow, but please, call me Jonathan."

"Well, I'll leave. Good day, Mister and Mister Fong." Lui laughed as he closed the door.

"Lui!" I shouted back at him as my hand returned to my side. I had realized that we had been shaking hands for awhile, but I liked the warmth.

"Why do I take your last name?" He looked over at me, an expression of serious deep thought and wonderment overtaking his face.

I only laughed in reply, and he eventually caught it - laughing away with me.

"What can I do for you, Jon?" I quizzed as I took a seat in my chair. He sat in the one across my desk, tapping his fingers on the arm rests a couple times. He used to do that every time he sat down; tap his fingers a few times before paying attention.

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