·| 3 | Adrenaline | 3 |·

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Evan's POV

I spit out the blood that had filled my mouth onto the cement beside me. I had no mask covering my face since I had run into this person on my way to get coffee.

They had sprinted down the sidewalk, a black mask over their face, hiding their identity. They had carried a bag full of money, something they stole from a nearby store. Me, being a good citizen, tripped the man and the bag flung away from him as he face-planted into the ground.

Now, we were fighting, the few people walking on the streets either avoiding us or watching from afar to see who would win. I could've easily taken the man down if I used my abilities, but I was a normal person at the moment, not my hero persona; hence why I had taken a hit to the face.

"You piece of shit, come at me!" The man shouted with his scratchy voice, his mask still covering his face. The only thing I could see was his brown eyes glaring at me, watching my every movement; trying to figure out my next attack.

I didn't, I was waiting for him and it seemed that he had lost his patience. He threw a punch at me, me dodging skillfully and sending a blow to his ribs which successfully made him stumble back.

When I was younger, I would've let the man go due to the hate I had held towards fighting. That hate had diminished over the years and now it seemed like I couldn't stop fighting. I did it for a good cause - I told myself that it was only for a good cause, but I couldn't deny that I had become addicted to the adrenaline rush.

The man was charging for me again and even though I wanted to draw the fight out, I couldn't, for people were now starting to crowd up the streets.

I sent one final blow to the man's cheek, putting as much power and strength as I could behind it. When it connected to his face, he was out like a light.

I instantly missed it, the fight I had engaged in. As much as I wanted to continue, I had a day to start. So, I called Luke, since he had the authority to put the man behind bars, and told him the situation.

Eventually he had showed up, along with a couple of his police buddies that he informed, one being Scotty and the other being Mark, police man that I often work with on...hero duties.

"Hey, Evan." Luke greeted as he approached me, a grin on his face. His hair was a little mess up and he was missing the most important part of his uniform: his badge.

"Luke," I acknowledged with a nod, "where's your badge?" My brow was raised, a smirk on my face as I watch him settle into confusion before he realized what I was talking about.

"Heh, I guess I forgot it," He shrugged, a grin yet again on hus face, "I was a bit caught with stuff back home." My smile grew and I wiggled my eyebrows before he added, "not that kind of stuff, you shit."

I chuckled, before asking, "anything bad?" He gave a simple shake of his head before glancing at Scottt and Mark. They had the man in the back of the car, still knocked out, but I knew he would be fine. So did they. They know I would never do anything that would injure the man so terribly he ends dying or something.

Although based on my crave for adrenaline, I have a concern I may go too far. I don't think I will, but it's a constant fear of mine. If I did go too far and I killed someone, what would happen to me? What if I liked it? Or what if I felt guilty and drove myself to insanity that way.

Luke's hand on my shoulder snapped me from my thoughts, "you good?" He questioned in which I replied with a smile and a nod, "good. We gotta take this guy to the station and return the money. Have a good day, Evan, and stay out of trouble." He gave me one pat on the shoulder, before leaving with a smile and the money bag.

I watched as he drove away, soon enough I was being drowned by the sudden crowds of people. This city had crazy streets. To me, it's like the Canadian version of New York City.

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