Saturday Suprise

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It was June 12th, a casual Saturday afternoon. It was 90% and it was your birthday. You ha e been dreaming about Brandon Westenburg, your future husband, and maybe even the future husbands of other obsessed fans.  Your sitting upright in your bed, playing the latest episode chapter. You have just ran out of your passes. You roll your eyes and place your phone on the end table by your delighted bedside with the glamorous drapping making you feel like a princess. It is your birthday and your turning 17. "Happy Birthday to me" you said putting on your birthday outfit; ripped jeans, a sports jersey and some air ones. Rushing down the stairs you went in pure joy. Silence filled the room and curiosity filled my head. "Where is my mom?" And "Where is my brother?" "That big goof" you thought. You pranced yourself into your kitchen and suddenly "SURPRISE!!!" Said your mom, brother, father and best friends Aaliyah and Vanessa. "O...m....g" what's all this shit for?!" You said. "As a matter a fact this so called "poop" is for you honey" your mother said, hugging you and patting your back for making it through this deluded world for 17 years. A cake on a antique plate was sent out and given to you to blow all your worries away and you wishes to the table. Your friend then handed you a little gift box like the ones you receive jewelry in, all wrapped up in red and blue sparkles wrapping paper. You opened it and inside laid a card and underneath....."omg freakin god Vanessa?!" You said in shocking starting to ball your eyes out. In it laid 3 VIP tickets to the Weekend Rush tour. 3 gold land yards laid in there. "I thought you'd wanna meet your idol ya know?" Vanessa said squeezing her palms and demanding a hug that was urgently needed. "I Love You guys, how much did this freaking cost?" You said, taking an unexpected guilt trip to pay Vanessa back. "Uh not just $350." She said smirking."Don't worry about it, its all for you". she said giving me a tight hug. "Better get packed up for California" said your mom. "WHAT?!" You said with your mouth wide open in complete shock. "That's the second thing, if it means we can take a trip to California to see your idol for your birthday, I'd do that just to make you happy honey". Your mom said leaning in for a hug. This was the best present ever.
This is the end of Chapter 2. For more, clip Chapter 3.

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