The Show

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It was 5:30, you were waiting by the doors at the front with a bunch of screaming girls. The doors opened, presenting the venue were memories were gonna be filled. "I'm so scared" Aaliyah said, clutching her stomach, signaling she had to use the bathroom. "Hurry back" said Vanessa. I never felt so scared in my life. I was about to meet my future husband that only existed in my world. I had a grand time, got a tshirt, some merch and even caught Brandon's bracelet I don't think he realized he lost. It said "Love" on it. It was time. I walked my way back to the meet and greet room. There he was standing in my focal point. Tears began to ring my face and I ran up to him like I haven't seen my long lost relative in years. "I love you so much" I said, clutching the back of his shirt and hugging him tightly. " I love you to beautiful" he said brushing my hair as I held him tight. I looked up at him and smiled so hard. He wiped my tears away reassuring my worries. "No need to cry." He said. "This is the need for me to cry, my idol I thought I'd never meet is holding me tight" I said pulling back and then jumping slightly back into his arms. He looked down at me, mind you I'm 5"5 and he's like 5"9. "Your gorgeous" he said kissing my head and then smiling. I replied with a smile. " I love you, thanks for the support babe." He said hugging me tightly again. "I wish I could have more time with you, these meet and greet limits of 2 minutes is a little harsh" I said, me and him laughing. He looked down at me again leaning in to pose for my meet and greet pic of him kissing me on my forehead. What turned into a simple pic turned into a make out. He had accidentally kissed the top of my lips. He then slid down and kissed me. His lips were soft with every stroke he took. Bodyguards flushed around us in shock as he let hiself carry on with the kiss. He retracted back but only two inches from my face "meet me outside after the show" he said smirking and then kissing me once more on the head.  Omg what just happened? What was meant for me to meet a celebrity turned into raging terror of jealousy. Fans turned and gave me raging looks as I left. "Slut" one said "whatever" I said rolling my eyes then smiling And giving her the #1. Things turned great when I saw Brandon standing in the shadows outside the venue, holding the bracelet that was seeped in my pocket. How did he get it?
This is the end of chapter 4, for more be patient for chapter 5.

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