Weekend Rush

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It's the night before the show. Your packing all your needs to fly to California, the usual, makeup, brush, toothbrush, pure seduction perfume and your clothes and shoes. "Honey do you have what you need?" Your mom said entering your room to observe what you may or may not need. "Yes mom but I still can't process what just happened to me, I'm GOING TO MEET BRANDON!!! My long lost husband" you said laughing. "It's not a big deal honey, we'd do anything to make you happy". Your mom said kissing your forehead and letting you know there's 30 minutes left before our flight leaves at 4:30am. I was tired and drowsy. Felt like I've been on drugs for nearly a decade. Nearly harsh but that's how I felt. I'm pretty sure Ves, Leelee and my mom were just as tired as they sacrificed their money and time to buy me the tickets. "Your mom said it's time to go" said Aaliyah. You replied with an okay and closed your suitcase tight. You zipped up the case to secure all your belongings from falling out over LA. Little exaggeration but this is how it felt. 15 minutes later, you arrived at the airport with your 3 big pink cheetah printed suitcases. One for your makeup, one for your clothes and shoes and the other for your hygienic needs. "Are you ready honey?" Your mom asked. "Yeah if your ready guys" they all replied with a excited "yes". We boarded the plane yada yada yada. 7 hours later, we arrived at the airport. It was 11am. Beautiful palms trees swayed and danced in the hot tempered air, smells of funnel cake and lemonade filled the air. "Baby this is California." Said your mom. "It's beautiful" you said finding every urge to confront the smell of fried dough and powdered sugar, Funnel Cake. "Here baby, here's $30 bucks, go make it useful, you do have a show tonight to look sexy for at 6. But be back at 2." Your mom said handing you a twenty and two fives. "Are you serious?" You said demanding her to retract to money from her. "Yes baby go have fun" she responded. Me, Vanessa, and Aaliyah ran the streets of LA. We wondered the boardwalk and took pictures in the photo booths. "Nice memory huh?" Vanessa said "you should keep it" Aaliyah said handing you the nearly cute picture of 3 beautiful princesses. "It's 1:58" said Vanessa "We should be heading back" Aaliyah said. We headed back meeting our mom at the hotel. I got dressed, did my makeup and watched Aaliyah mess up the winged eyeliner she had joyful thought she had manage to perfect. Snapchat took over that moment. Laughter and giggles filled the room. The clock struck 3:15. It was time as we prepared our minds for the screaming Bantchees I call girls and wait for my line to meet Brandon.
This is the end of chapter 3, for more go to chapter 4.

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