Sam and Dean

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It had been a few days since I had talked with Sam and Dean. Things around the house were busy with my graduation and everything. I came up with more and more questions as the hours past by. Family was starting to arrive and I was plotting on how I was going to slip out of the house for a few hours to meet my brothers. I knew that if I told my mother about them, she would flip out and forbid me from meeting them, but how could she, they are family? I knew that if I went out to meet them and then spring the news on her, she would flip out even more. Or maybe she might not flip out as much with family over.

The day of the graduation party was filled with much anxiety. Lots of family asking what I want to do with my life, where I plan on going to school. I applied to varies schools nearby, and some back up plans for that. But in my mind, I couldn't help but remember what Freak Show said about a week back. I'm supposed to fight demons like my dad? That conversation isn't going to go over very well with relatives, especially since most think my dad was in the military. I can't picture myself hunting demons, I guess my brothers will help me with that.

It was getting to be close to 10pm, and I had a few family and friends over at the house. All I wanted to do was go to bed or slip out of the house. Either sounded great. By 10:30 everyone had left, there was a great mess out in the backyard, floaties in the pool, empty drinks at the tables.  I cleaned it all that night, so that I could "sleep in" tomorrow. Surprisingly, my mom bought that lie. Cleaning had finished by roughly midnight, and I went to bed.

That morning, I had woken up at 7:15, and that is sleeping in. My mother was already up and having her coffee. She wasn't so surprised I was up since I'm used to being up so early anyway.

"Any plans today kiddo?"

"Going out for coffee with Amanda." I said

"Okay, have fun! Enjoy!"

"Thanks mom!" I shouted as my mom was walking out to the garage to leave for work.

It was at that point that I called Sam and Dean again.

As I dialed the number again, I could feel this rush of excitement over me, as I couldn't wait to see my brothers.

"Hello?" Sam answered.

"Hey Sam! It's Maggie, you guys in town?"

"Yeah, were did you want to meet?" Sam asked.

"Taco shop on the 67? Right before you get to the old part of town?"

"Sure sounds good! See you in a couple of hours?" Sam said.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon!" I said excitedly as I hung up the phone. I really hope I didn't sound too excited. I quickly got dressed, ran out the door, and hopped on my bike. I peddled as fast as I could, probably faster than I ever have, even when I was running late for school.

I arrived at the restaurant in a record 38 minutes, with only a few minutes to spare. As I locked my bike up, I noticed this awesome looking car, an older Chevrolet Impala. I had never seen one of these older cars in person, so I went up to it just to get a closer look since no one was inside it. No other cars were pulling into the restaurant, so I decided to head inside. Inside, there were quite a few people, how was I going to identify Sam and Dean? Panicked, I decided to call them. As I dial the number, I hear a phone ring in the direction of two guys sitting at a booth.

"Hello?" Sam answered.

"I assume that's you guys at the booth right there?" I said quite embarrassed.

"Yep, that's us." Sam said. I quickly hung up the phone and walked towards the two men that are my brothers. One looked rather tall with long hair, which I assumed was Sam. The other, I'm guessing was Dean, was a little shorter, darker hair, and had a biker/badass look towards him.

"Sam and Dean?" I ask.

"Yes." Sam and Dean said at the same time.

"I'm Maggie. It's nice to meet you guys." I said.

"I uh, saw you staring at the Impala. Almost had to come out and give you a stern talking to if you got scratch on her." Dean said. I was starting to get a little nervous. The first thing my brother says when I meet him was that he's going to basically beat me up. I guess this is what older brothers do?

"Don't pay any attention to him Maggie. I'm Sam, and this is Dean."

"Cool. So umm... yes finally meeting you guys. How was the drive?" I said nervously.

"Maggie, is something bothering you?" Dean asked.

"Well, remember when I told you about the encounter at school?"

"The one with the black eyes?" Sam asked.

"Yes. That I'm supposed to follow in dad's footsteps and fight demons. I don't even know the guy. I don't actually know a lot about his life, other than fighting demons, and here I am starting to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with my life."

"Do you know anything about demons Maggie?" Dean asked.

"I did a little research on them, but there are so many. Does Lucifer, or the Devil really exist? What about Hell? Does salt and holy water really do work in defense with a demon?" I asked.

Both of the expressions on Sam and Dean were of shock, like they weren't expecting me to know anything about the subject. "Uh, yeah, that's a start. We can talk about Lucifer and hell another day." Dean said.

"Okay..." I said a little shocked, but I was also excited. So many emotions were going through me. "I want to know a little more about dad."

"What do you want to know?" Sam asked.

"Well for starters, what was he like? What did he do other than hunt? Was he really in the military?"

"You're probably going to be sorely disappointed Maggie. Yes, Dad was in the Marines. But Dad left us for weeks, even months at a time when he went on a hunt. We barely even knew him. Ever since our mom died when we were young, Dad was never the same after that. He started hunting the thing that killed our mother. And sorry for more disappointment, but dad died about seven years ago." Dean said.

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. So it was sort of like you never even knew him too?" I asked.

"It's fine. So you never even saw Dad? He didn't take you out to a ball game? Didn't teach you to drive?" Sam asked.

"No. I only have this small little picture of him and my mom. She told me that he had died in combat training before I was born. But I guess that's just a big lie, seeing as how he had you guys to look out for sort of, he probably didn't even know I existed."

"Do you have the picture of Dad?" Sam asked.

"Yes" I said taking it out of my bag.

"So do we." Dean said. It was a cheesy moment, like in the Parent Trap, as we are showing each other our photos.

"This is freaky." I said, as I was looking at their photo and realizing it was my dad. Sam and Dean are my brothers.

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