No turning back now.

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At this point in my life, I have achieved a lot. A lot more than most people my age. Most people don't know about the supernatural, which is why we are here. We help people. Now me, I haven't done much in terms of saving people, but I aspire to be like my brothers. I keep on thinking what my life would have been like if I never met Sam and Dean. What would have happened to me if I had never called dad's number that night? I never was a "normal" kid growing up. So I guess this life chose me.

This is what I was thinking of after I successfully took on my first case, and while I was waiting in the tattoo parlor. I was going to be getting a protection symbol, like the necklace that Dean gave me. Sam and Dean had gotten their protection symbol tattoos years ago. If I ever saw my mom's side of the family again, they would probably sacrifice me for getting this.

"Are you sure you want to do this Maggie?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah, you don't have to do this if you don't want to Kiddo." Dean said.

"I'm sure. After what I have seen, after what I know. I don't want to take any chances. I mean, if my mom was possessed by a demon, think of how easily, I could have been possessed by one." I said.

"Okay. Are we ready?" The guy doing my tattoo asked me.

"Yes. Ready!" I said.

*Eighteen hours earlier*

It was 8pm. Jody had been home for a few hours and cooked us dinner. I think she wanted me to stay back and be out of harm's way. But I think the curious part of me just wants to jump right in and solve this case. Dean was drinking a beer, Sam was buried in his laptop, and I found myself staring off into space. I hadn't realized that my favorite Ozzy Osbourne album came on. It wasn't until the song "Mr. Crowley" came on that I had suddenly stood up, and apparently holding my knife, at the sound of his name when it came on in the song.

"Maggie, what's wrong?" Jody asked. Sam and Dean were staring at me with a worried look on their faces.

"Mr. Crowley." I said.

"What about him?" Dean asked. "Did you just call him Mr.?"

"Wait, what about Crowley?" Jody asked.

"Oh, no, the song 'Mr. Crowley' came on." I said.

"You don't strike me as the Ozzy Osbourne type." Sam said.

"Yeah, well, I've been listening to it since I was like in 3rd grade. I have fond memories of David, my 'dad', washing his truck while I played in it, and listening to Black Sabbath."

"You don't have to put on this tough guy act Maggie. If you don't want to go out looking for the Mai, you don't have to." Jody said. "You can stay with me and watch some t.v. I'll let you have some wine."

"She's forbidden from alcohol until she's 21." Dean said.

"But I want to go and look for the Mai." I said kind of confused.

"Why can't she have any alcohol, did you get in trouble or something?"

"Or something." I said. Jody gave me one of those motherly like stares which meant to continue on with the story. "Yeah, so Crowley kidnapped me, took me to their secret bunker thing. I had my phone, but the cell reception was horrible, so I asked Crowley to get me something to drink, so that I could secretly text my location to Sam and Dean. I didn't realize that a margarita was going to be bad, but it tasted good. And I blacked out for like 2 days. I swear I only had the one drink." 

"You asked for a margarita? You're 18!" Jody said. "I can't believe you boys are still hanging around with this demon. You do remember he almost killed me on our date."

"I like the mix, I never had it with the tequila before." I said. "Wait, did you go on a date with Crowley?"

"It was in the past. Before I became a hunter."

"Okay, let's get going on this case. We should be heading out." Sam said.

"Be safe you three!" Jody said as we headed out of the door.

"We will!" We all said.

We were driving around looking for anything, when we got a phone call from Jody.

"Hey Jody!" Sam said. "What's wrong? Okay, near the park. Yeah, okay we are on it, thanks!"

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Um, it looks like we have Mai involvement, there was a body discovered, and get this, it had cat like qualities about it before it died."

"Cool!" I said. We drove to the scene, there were police all over. Just like the case in Oregon. We pulled up and we all got out our FBI badges. We weren't in uniform, so I am hoping that this will work this time around.

"Agents Osborne, Boone, and trainee Marshall." Dean said, as we all showed the officer standing guard our badges. "We are good friends of Sheriff Jody Mills."

"Go on through." The officer said. That seriously worked? We walked to where there was a body on the ground. She had stab wounds all over her. Ten very visible marks. I watched while Sam and Dean did all the talking. I stood up and noticed a man, who wasn't a cop, standing at the tree line, which was about 50 yards away. I couldn't get too good of a look at their eyes, but I just got a feeling that he knew something

I gasped.

"What is it?" Dean asked me.

"Do you see that person over there, by the tree line, just watching." I said trying not to point.


"I think he's Mai." I said. I started walking towards him. Once I got closer to where he was standing, I took out my FBI badge, I saw his eyes, they look liked a cat's, and that's when he started to run. 

"Marshall!" Sam said, running after me. I guess Dean stayed with the body.

"Hey wait, FBI!" I shouted to the Mai that was running away. "I need to ask you some questions!" We were now in the forest.

"Maggie!" I could hear Sam calling my name.

I finally caught up to him, somehow managed to leap and grab a hold of his waist and brought him down that way.

"Why were you running Mai?" I asked the guy. Sam had caught up to us.

"How did you know? You're not really FBI are you?" He asked.

"No, we're hunters. We are here to help. We are trying to figure out why there are killings of the Mai." Sam said. "What's your name?"

"Jake." He said.

"Are the Order of the Tenth Blade involved?" I asked.

"They are everywhere. But how do you guys know about us, did you watch the show?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, it's my favorite so far." I said.

"Well, you should know one thing, little girl."

"What's that?" I asked him.

"Is that there are good Mai and bad Mai. We like to blame the killings of the good Mai on the Order of the Blade. It's more fun sometimes. The other Mai know of their powers, but they believe that they should only use their powers for good, and must not use them in front of humans. Us, on the other hand, we believe that our powers are a gift, and we should be able to use them if we want to or not. Even in front of you pathetic humans. If you were wondering, then yes, I did kill that Mai tonight, and the other one a few days ago. That angel was there, and I just wanted to throw him off of his game." Jake said.

"You monster." I said.

"I know I am." Jake said. All of a sudden I heard a gun shot, and Jake going down. I saw blood all over him.

"Is he dead?" Dean asked.

"We needed to get more information out of him! We could have found out where he hides, and seen if there were more of him." I shouted.

"Hey, I heard the whole thing. We can go check his records tomorrow. We'll call this one a win for now. You did great Kiddo." Dean said while messing up my hair.

We headed back to Jody's. She's going to flip out when she sees all of the blood on me.

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