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"What do you mean my soul is gone?" I asked. 

"Well you don't feel anything. No emotions?" Sam asked. 

"Yeah." I said, completely unaware of what is going on. 

"Yeah, I think Lucifer brought you back to life, but took your soul." Sam said. 

"What's going to happen to me if I don't get my soul back?" I asked.

"There's a lot that can happen." Dean said. 

"Like what?" I asked. "I need to know. What could happen to me if I don't have my soul?" 

"Well Sammy here let a vampire bite me, I turned into a vampire. That was fun, not." Dean paused, "Oh, he almost killed our friend, Bobby. He let me be abducted by aliens. And once his soul was back, he went crazy." Dean said. 

"So not having a soul is bad?" I asked. 

"Yep." Sam said. 

"Well, how were you able to get it back the first time?" 

"Well, Death went down to hell to retrieve it, then he put my soul back in me." Sam said. 

"Death? Like one of the four horsemen?"

"Yes." Dean said.

"Where's Death now?" 

"Dead." Sam said. 

"I killed him." Dean said rather proudly.

"You guys killed Death?" I asked surprised. "How is that possible? Wait, I don't know if I want to know." 

"Cas, you want to chime in?" Dean asked. 

"What do you want me to say?" Castiel asked. 

"Anything." Dean said. "Any ideas on how to solve this problem?" 

"I don't know if I can go to Hell again." Cas said. 

"Perhaps I could be of some use." A woman with an Irish accent said from behind us. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"The name's Rowena, darling." Rowena said. "Sam, Dean, who's this?"

"Our step-sister, Maggie." Dean said. 

"Step-sister?" Rowena asked. "You have a step sister? How does she manage all of the work you boys do?"

"I'd say she handles it pretty well." Dean said. 

"Thanks." I said sarcastically. 

"Cas, why don't you help Maggie finish whatever it was that she was doing to her room. Re-decorating was it?" Dean said. 

"Okay." Castiel said. 

"Why can't I be in on this conversation?" I asked. 

"Because I said so." Dean said. 

"But why? If this involves me getting my soul back, I want to be in on the conversation." 

"Just go!" Dean said. 

"Fine!" I shouted. "Cas, let's go. I'll introduce you to one of the greatest movies ever." I didn't understand why Dean is keeping me out of this conversation. Who is this Rowena person, and why has Sam and Dean kept her a secret away from me? 

"What is the movie?" Castiel asked. 

"You'll find out." I said as we were entering my room. I turned on my laptop and started to play The Avengers. Castiel and I lost track of time, It turned out that Cas was very interested in the movie. He loved it so much that he started quoting it, and got himself a replica of Thor's Mjölnir. Don't know where, at least I hope it's a replica. 

"Cas, Maggie." Dean said as he was entering my room. "Cas, what are you holding?" 

"Oh, It's the Mjölnir. Whoever holds it is worthy of ruling Asgard." Castiel said. 

"What now?" Dean asked, sounding very confused.

"He's referring to Thor's hammer." I said. 

"Okay God of Thunder, and what are you wearing?" Dean asked me while pointing at his face. 

"What, oh." I paused. "The glasses. Yeah, I ran out of contacts. I don't care that they make me look like a geek."

"Looks good on you Darling." Rowena said. 

"Thanks." I said. 

"Since when have you worn contacts?" Sam asked. 

"Since the day I met you two." I said. "Any idea of how you are going to get my soul back?"

"There are a few ways, and I don't think you're going to like it." Sam said. 

"Great..." I said dramatically.  

Sam, Dean and Rowena were going into great depth as to how we were going to attempt to get my soul back. They started telling me the consequences to getting my soul back, and what happened to Sam. I felt like I should have been attentive, but I got really bored, and started to go look up stuff on my computer and found us some cases. 

"Are you even listening Maggie?" Dean asked. 

"Yeah, this is going to be difficult, dangerous, possibly deadly. Nothing out of the ordinary for us." I said. "Oh, and I found us some cases." 

"How did you find us a case so fast?" Sam asked. 

"I just typed in 'strange cases' into the internet." I said. "Do you want to investigate a town claiming to see a bunch of gnomes, or would you rather look into the disappearance into a bunch of young women in a remote town in Wyoming?" 

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