Some roads eventually lead to a cross road.

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After getting used to the whiplash, due to transporting from one place to another, I found myself back in my house. It was eerily quiet. I looked outside to see that the Impala was parked outside, but Sam and Dean could not be heard.

"Is something wrong?" Crowley asked.

"Yeah, I told you to take me to Sam and Dean." I said.

"They're here, you just have to find them."

"Ha! That should be easy, I know this place like the back of my hand. I've lived here for seven years." I said proudly.

This tasked proved to be somewhat daunting. I looked in all of the spaces that I would expect two guys who are six feet and taller to be able to fit into. I looked in our large garage, which held our small boat, looked in the boat and couldn't find them. I went into the office, where we have a small hidden room, and no luck. I went into my mom's closet, where there is a small access point into the attic, and still no luck.

"Okay Crowley, give me some sort of hint. Where are they?"

"Think outside the box."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Think outside the box." He said again, only waving his arms around pointing at the house. I quickly ran outside and headed towards the tool shed.

"Sam, Dean!" I shouted as I opened up the doors to the shed. They still weren't there. I walked into the shed a few feet and started looking around. As I walked further into the rather small shed, my foot fell through the floorboards. I had to take a moment and make sure that I was okay, as it felt like my heart skipped a few beats while I fell through floor. I managed to pull myself up from out of the floor to examine my leg. Some minor scratches, one or two here and there that might require a couple of stitches. I grabbed the scarf that I was wearing and tied it around my leg to stop the bleeding. It hadn't quite occurred to me that I stumbled upon a place in my house that I never knew about. I hardly went in here because when I was growing up, I was afraid of all of the spiders. I quickly grabbed the flashlight from the drawer and peeked inside the hole. I noticed that there was a large room here, that looked like a bunker. I grabbed the ladder from outside, lowered it into the hole, and climbed down.

I did a quick scan of the room, and it had lots of different tools, guns, salt, holy water, there was even a bed, and what looked like some spare women's clothes. Is this my mom's hidden bunker? I went over to the bed and found a small diary. I sat down and started reading some of the journal entries, definitely my mom's handwriting.

April 14th, 1994

Everything is not going in my favor. I keep on failing all of these cases I stumble upon. I have made contact with another hunter by the name of John Winchester, who seems to know what the Hell he's doing. Rumor has it that he is hunting for what killed his wife almost ten years ago. His poor boys, growing up without a mother. I'm meeting John tonight at a bar outside of Seattle, hopefully he can help me with this case I'm working on, possible vampire case, but I'm not sure yet.

So it is true about meeting dad in Seattle on a case.

May 5th, 1994

John is leaving town next week. And I desperately don't want him to go. He has been such a great help. I have learned more from John than my small family of hunters has ever taught me. But I still don't feel complete. I feel like I'm going to do something drastically stupid, and screw up again.

May 16th, 2004

Well, I did screw up. I was desperate and sought some help. I found myself unable to cope with the divorce. Maggie wants to know more about why we split up, and I can't bring myself to tell her the truth. Completely unable to bring myself to get help from anyone else, I acquired some supernatural help. I made a deal with a demon. Not just any demon, his name is Crowley. Maggie, if you are reading this, know that I had the best intentions of doing this. I only wanted to make you happy and to forget about the divorce. I wanted to teach you all about the life of a hunter, but I also don't want to see you get hurt as well. I'm going to have to tell you one day about your father, John Winchester. He was a man of many things. He loved his wife so much before she died. You have two older brothers, that maybe one day you will get a chance to meet. Their names are Dean and Sam. I only met them a few times, but they seem nice. When my time comes, which will be ten years from now, just know that you have access to all of my tools of the trade. The salt and holy water go great to wear off a demon or a ghost. Ghosts also don't like Iron. Vampires can only be killed by ripping their heads off. I have so much more to teach you, but for now I must go. -Love, Mom.

I couldn't hold back the tears. Nor did I realize that Crowley was standing behind me the entire time I was reading my mom's diary. I turned around and tried to stab him with a knife.

"You bastard!" I screamed as I tried to take Crowley down. "What did you do to my mother?" He vanished. "Come and face me like a man Crowley!"

"What are you doing here Maggie?" Dean said, he and Sam were looking down at me from the hole that I fell into.

"Crowley was just here. He brought me here, the Feds came to our motel room." I said as Sam and Dean came down the ladder. I went and hugged them as soon as they came down.

"Maggie, what's going on?" Sam asked.

"I'm trying to figure out this one out. This bunker was apparently my mother's. I found her diary. She sold her soul in order for me to be happy about the divorce. It also mentions you two as well." I said holding her diary.

"Maggie, we're so sorry." Sam said.

"Yeah, Kiddo. Sammy and I will make it up to you." Dean said.

We were somehow able to obtain my mother's body before it went to the morgue. We took her body to the same place where Sam and Dean first taught me how to fight, and where I took out my first demon. We built a fire pit and cremated her body in a traditional hunter ceremony. This is where I said my last good-byes.

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