Chapter Five

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❄Chapter Five❄


I follow North into his office. I wonder what's wrong.

"Jack, Is Elsa mortal?" I know what this is about. I start to get upset.

"Yeah, so what?!" I said quickly.

"Jack, she will just break your heart when she dies. She can't live forever. Also, she might distract you from your job." I am still upset with North. He always has this talks with ME! NO ONE ELSE!

"Aren't I the Guardian of Fun? Can't I have fun myself? I know she will die, but I'll survive! You can't tell me not to be with her!" I yell at him.

"Jack, all I'm saying is don't fall in love with her. Stay away from her." He tried to calm me down.

"No! I can't do that to her! To me! I love her! I don't care what you say! I'll be fine! Also, if it really bothers you that much, I'll ask Manny to turn me mortal or Elsa immortal!" North sighs.

"Jack. It doesn't work like that around here. If you want you can still be friends." He puts his hand on my shoulder.

I push it away and continue to yell at him. I see North call for Sandman. Sandman touches me and I fade into a deep sleep.

Later, I wake up. I don't remember what happened.

"North, what happened? Why am I in here? Where is Elsa?" I start to panic.

"Jack, she is fine. Trust me. Go out to her, Tooth, and Bunny." I walk out the door and sit next to Elsa. I kiss her on the cheek.

"I won, Kangaroo!" Elsa shouted. I'm guessing that they made a bet.

"I'm a bunny! I guess you two are perfect for each other. But I doubt he would kiss you on the lips in front of us." Bunny dared us.

"Oh, you don't think I will." I grin at Elsa and kiss her on the lips. Bunny nodded and crossed his furry arms over his chest.

We heard a thud and turn around. Bunny had fallen on the floor off his chair. We laughed really hard together. I kissed Elsa again.

She asked what North wanted. I didn't answer.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said. I felt bad for not telling her.

"Do I hear wedding bells?" Tooth said cheerily.

Elsa and I both said," Wha--No!" at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

That was super embarrassing! Why would Tooth say that? Elsa must've told her about the kiss.

"Hey Jack, Elsa told me about your kiss. Was it wonderful?" I looked at Tooth and shot a glare.

"Well, uh, I-I can't describe it." I blushed. I leaned over to Elsa and whispered,"Aloud." She smiled.

"Can I talk to Jack for a minute?" I followed Tooth into the hall.

"What's up, Tooth?" I grinned.

"Have you made a proposal speech yet?" I was startled.

"What?! I mean like that wasn't a no, but why do you ask?" I was a little nervous.

"I wanted to hear it." I smiled.

"Sure, but we have to go somewhere else, I want to surprise Elsa!" I pull Tooth over into our kitchen.

"Here it is. From the first day we meet, I had fallen for you Like a snowflake. I know you have unfrozen my heart with your love. I hope we can be like that forever. So I have a very special question to ask you. Will you marry me? I'm not quite done yet." I blushed.

"Jack, that was beautiful! Wait, why do you already have that planned out?" I know what she was thinking.

"I-I was going to propose. On her birthday. It is in 4 months. I even found the ring." I pulled out a shiny blue box. I opened it and a small ring made out of ice with a snowflake instead of a jewel rested on top. Inside was carved Jack and Elsa.

"She will love it!" I put it back inside my hoodie pocket.

"I hope so, I really love her." I said to her.

"There is one thing that is strange. Before you met her, you were ice cold, an now you are warm." She touched my arm.

"That explains why before I kissed her I felt hot." I smile.

"Let's go back to Bunny and Elsa!" Tooth says.

I walk back to Elsa and sit next to her.

"So, what did she need you for?" Elsa asked me quietly.

"She wanted to know when I was proposing to you." I whispered back.

"What did you say?" I head her whisper back.

"I can't tell you." I whispered. She pushed me slightly. I fell off the chair.

"Hey, what was that for?" I laughed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Here I'll help you." She reached down to help me up.

When she did I threw a snowball into her face. I flew up.

"Hey! I'll get you for that!" She made a really huge snowball. It hit me causing me to tumble down.

She walked over to me and helped me up. I pulled her into a kiss. North watched us. Tooth was watching quietly. Bunny was making kissing faces, so I flicked my hand and froze his mouth. That'll teach him to tease me.

North gave me a dirty look. I sighed and unfroze Bunny's mouth.

"Ugh, North you always ruin my fun!" I complained. Elsa laughed.

"Jack, did I ever tell you that you are cute when upset?" I'm a little surprised.

"Awwww! Your beautiful all the time. Except when you are sad." I know she heard me.

"What? Oh yeah.." Good, she agreed!

"How did I ever to have you?" I lean in for a kiss but Bunny stops us.

"Ugh. Stop this love fest! It is gross. Do you guys really have to do this now? Ugh. Jack you are so gross." Me and Elsa roll our eyes.

"Okay then. Bunny you might want to look away. We are about to get real gross." Elsa giggles as I smirk at her.

I kiss her and Bunny looks like he is about to faint.

"Ha! Bunny look at your face!" I fall of the chair laughing. Elsa falls over too. I think she did it just to be close to me.

"So, want to stay in the ice castle tonight?" I grin and nod.

Me and Elsa sit up. "Hey guys, we are going to our ice castle for the night." Bunny looks panicked.

I walk over to him and whisper," Bunny, whats wrong?"

He whispers back," Sleeping together." I roll my eyes.

"Dude, we have separate beds! I'm not crazy." I snap at him in a whisper. He just nods.

I fly Elsa back to the castle and lay her down in her bed.

"Jack? What did Bunny say?" I blushed.

"You don't want to know. Trust me." Elsa gave me a look.

I sighed and explained. "He thought we we sleeping, together." Elsa was surprised.

"I tried to warn you!" I laughed and flew to my own bed. I fall asleep.

❄I'm not putting that in the book! It is wrong, so yeah.... Chapter 6 will come tomorrow or later tonight! Bye snowflakes!❄

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