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In the car we were silent so I tried to speak first...

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"To meet my parents" Jungkook said.

Jungkook sighed and started to speak, "Listen, Jaeun as you know we have a contract which is made by our grandparents so we are going to do this forced marriage as our contract between us and our Family nothing more nothing less" my heart shattered while listening to those words which were coming from him...

"And one more thing we will act like couples in front of Family and outside in front of people because I don't want to lose my heir ship because of contract so do you..." He added.

We had a contract of getting married because of the contract between of our grandparents; if we disagree we will lose our heir ship in our family... I didn't say anything... I was feeling sad that this is where my life changes to fake... He said me that we are heading to his home to meet his parents.

We arrived at his parents' house, it was a big mansion I smiled because I don't want to them to know that it's just a fake relationship... as we reached servant open the door and Jungkook came out and reached for my hand as he was showing me his cute smile...

"Come..." he said while smiling giving his hand to me.

I catch his hand and came out from car he is still holding my hand and took me in the mansion

"Don't keep silent in front my parents, you should talk and don't worry this will be fine..." he said in whispering voice near my ears.

I felt something in my stomach, this feeling... when he comes closer to me...

"Jaeun-ah, you came, I was waiting for you... my daughter in law." His mother came and hugs me tight. I felt so good because I lost my mother and her hug was just like my mother its calming...

"Hello, Mrs Jeon"

"Jaeun-ah don't call me Mrs Jeon I'm just like your mother you can call me Mom"

"Okay, M-mom..." I tried to speak

"Kookie-ah you came... I missed you so much" She hugged him tight.

So his mom calls him Kookie so sweet...

"Mom I missed you too..." he said.

"Kookie show Jaeun-ah our home... Jaeun-ah feel free this is also your house" She said to us.

Kookie took my hand in front of her mom "I will mom..."

Her mom smiled and goes... while my hand still in his hand...

"Let's go, I will show you around..." he showed me around there are 4 big bedrooms and guest rooms on first floor... there is big hall which we just arrived... a big library... and there is kitchen...

Her mom came from her room and said "Kookie-ah, stay here for night okay I have arranged room for both of you... its night already so you can go tomorrow in morning... it's okay."

I was shocked that time passed and she arranged room for us... OH MY GOD! I didn't even tried to talk with Dad to say sorry for my behaviour

"Mom we can go home..." before Jungkook could speak further mom said "No, you can't go now this late at night. It's my final decision you will be staying here"


"Jaeun-ah, can you help me with making dinner?" she asked.

"Sure, I will." I said

While Jungkook goes to his bedroom, I think he got angry... that we couldn't go... we have to stay...

We start to prepare dinner...

"Jaeun-ah, you are good at cooking did your mom teach you...?" Jungkook's mom asked me.

"When I was in high school my mom teach me cooking, I love cooking, I always help mom in cooking..." I said while smiling and remembering that I lost my mom 2 years back, tears come through my eyes... I miss my mom see was so sweet.

Jungkook's mom hugged me while stroking my back she said "I know I can't take your mom place even though I'm Jungkook's mom I'm your mom too, I love you" She comforted me and I wipe my tears and smiled while hugging her. We placed the Dinner on the dining table.

All came and sited on chair Jungkook's mother made me sit beside Jungkook... I was feeling little scared that he would be angry. Jungkook's Dad came...

"Jaeun-ah, you came... I'm so happy to have dinner together." We talked... and have a Family Dinner.

"You both look a cute couple; I hope we get a cute little boy just like kookie and a cute little girl just like Jaeun..." His mom speaks while smiling...

Just then Jungkook choked on his food and I was to shocked by listening that they wish baby... how can this happen we are not even couple and can't be its just contract. While I patted on Jungkook's back and he drank water...

After Dinner we get to our rooms... what I will be doing now. I have to stay with him to night. As I came to room Jungkook closed the door... slammed me against the wall...


I was shocked by his reaction... "YAH, IT HURTS..., LET ME GO"



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