Chapter 11

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Ford gets unfrozen and walks towards Dipper and Mabel. He says,

"Kids! Aw I knew I can count on you! You did it!"

Ford sees old man Mcgucket and puts the twins on the ground and says,

"Filford. I haven't see you since we parted ways. You must hate me."

Old man Mcgucket says, "I tried forgetting. Maybe I should try forgiving. Come here old friend."

Old man Mcgucket and Ford hugged. When they finished hugging, Ford sees his daughter Talyah and says,

"Talyah! I haven't seen you in a long time! I am so glad you are safe! Come here!"

Talyah runs to her dad and hugs him.

Stan says, "Yeah its great to see you bro. Now let's get out of here."

Dipper says, "Ford. While you were captured, Talyah found Journal #4 and we know how to destroy Bill, but we still haven't picked a sacrifice."

Ford says, "Well we have to pick someone."

As everyone began to discuss who will be the sacrifice, Bill appeared in the entrance of the Fearamid, in giant form and says,

"Oh No it's Bill! Right?! Isn't that what your all thinking? Hey Gideon! Why aren't you dancing? Chop! Chop! Huh!"


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