Chapter 15

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Bill marches back into the throne room with Dipper and Mabel in his grip and says,

"Alright Ford, times up!"

Stanley, Ford, and Talyah stare up at him in horror and in shock.

Bill continues, " I got the kids! I think I'm gonna kill one of them just for the heck of it."

Bill's eye switches back and forth from a pine tree to a shooting star symbol and says,

"Ennie.....Meanie.....Mynie –"

His eye stops on the shooting star symbol and he holds up his fingers, getting read to snap his fingers to kill Mabel. Suddenly Talyah calls out,

"Wait! We surrender!"

Bill says, "Good choice."

He drops Dipper and Mabel and they hit the ground. Bill shrinks down and comes near Stanley, Ford, and Talyah. Talyah says,

"Bill I also know the equation."

Dipper and Mabel yell out,

"What?! How?!"

Talyah says, "I found it while I was reading Journal #4 in the woods.

  FLASHBACK TO TALYAH IN THE WOODS...............................................

Talyah was looking through Journal #4 when she saw the Bill Cipher page. She read through that page and keep looking other pages. She saw a page with a mathematical equation on it. She looked at it and memorize it. She then grabbed the book and ran to the Mystery Shack with it.

     FLASHBACK OVER....................

Talyah says, " And that is how I know the equation. Bill, I will let you into my mind if you promise to let my family go."

Bill says, "Fine."

Dipper calls out, " No Talyah! Don't trust him!"

Bill holds his blue fiery hand out and says,

"It's a deal!"

Talyah holds her hand out and shakes Bill's hand. Bill comes out of his physical form, becoming a ghost demon again. The room was black and white and Bill evilly laughs and goes inside Talyah's mind.


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