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Fang sat quietly beside her father, grinning excitedly.  He hadn't been able to find a babysitter, and she was going to be the boss one day anyhow, so he'd allowed her to come on this trip.  There were three other Dons in the room.  Eva Course, the queen of New York.  Ruthless and cold, with the looks of a goddess and the wrath of one too.  Jason Greene, master of Casino's across the country.  He was conniving as a fox, slender and fast.  Marcus Roth, world class smuggler.  He was known for his ability to terrify someone with a single glance, and just as easily enslave their heart.

Tito Paradox, the street rat boy who'd made himself a millionaire by sheer skill.  His head was surrounded by a wreath of cigarette smoke, steely eyes glinting under the cloud of poisoned air.  Alex was perfectly still, hands crossed politely as she sat beside him.  It was half not wanting to disappoint her Papa, and half the fact that he'd threatened to beat her senseless if she so much as thought if speaking out of turn.

Greene smiled kindly at her, handing her a piece of peppermint candy.  She hated peppermint, but he thanked him genuinely anyways.

Tito cleared his throat, splaying his fingers out on the table.

"So," he began, voice oozing authority.  "What are we going to do about the police situation?"

Eva's voice dripped venom, as she leaned comfortably further into her plush throne, her catlike grin widening.

"Simple. We get better, make them think that we're flinching under their authority."

She chuckled, as if such a thing were impossible.

"Turn in a few goombahs disguised as some of our best, and we tell the turncoats false information."

Marcus grinned, his sharpened teeth flashing. "Eva, darling, your mind is as stunning as ever. I agree, but we should be intesifying our gaurd. Only the best. We take the newbies and toss them on the front line."

Fang turned to Tito, who's face hadn't changed in the slightest. "Greene? How about you?"

The man looked up. He had a reputation for being thoughtful. A listener, not a braggart. You had to be, when dealing the cards.

"All of that seems well and good, but what about the other gangs? They could see our plan as weakness, and attack. Us crushing the opposition would seem rather suspicious."

Tito chuckled.

"We could do the unthinkable, turn them in.  Think of it, they try to attack us, and they lose their best people to a load of pretty boy cops.  We keep our cover, the cops turn on them instead of us, and to top it all off, we don't have to risk losing anyone."

Marcus cackled, his steely blue eyes filled to the brim with cold amusement.

"Brilliant, Paradox!  Your mind is as sharp as ever.  Truly, this plan is flawless."

Greene sighed. "But what about the newbies? We throw them to the dogs, and there wont BE any best soon enough. Recruits catch onto that fast."

"You're too kind, Greene." Eva frowned. "Honestly, I'm suprized you haven't been usurped by someone with bigger balls."

Marcus twisted his mouth. "He raises a point, dear..."

Fang looked puzzled, tugging on Tito's sleeve.  He motioned for her to speak.

"With all due respect, Me Greene, don't you throw your newbies to the cops all the time?  Your casinoes lose more new recruits than even the lesser families, like the Alimes and the Cartorts..."

She flushed slightly, realizing that all eyes were on her.

"It's a bit weird for you to be afraid of losing recruits when you do it all the time anyways.  Isn't that like plugging up a tiny crack in your boat when there's already an iceberg in the hull?"

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