Le Nightmares

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The night held sleep, and David's held nightmares.

He ran a hand through his hair, sitting on the edge of the bed.  He back was still tingling, heart pounding in his throat.  The ticking of his watch was deafening in his ears.

God, he could still see his father's boots.

He gasped, grabbing onto the sides of his head as if it could banish his thoughts.

It could not.

Boots like mountains, thundering in the hall.  Eyes like storm clouds, searching endlessly for him.  Teeth like tombstones, each one another death sentence.

*"Get the belt, boy."*

"No..." David murmered hoarsely, jumping out of bed, pulling the blanket around himself protectively.  "You can't control me anymore, you're dead..."

His thoughts mocked him, every shadow a sillouette of his father, every groan of the floor another footstep coming his way...

He swore venomously, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it with trembling fingers.

"David?" Yuvon groaned, rolling over.  "Are you smoking?  Seriously?  It's like one in the morning..."

He shuddered.

"I... couldn't sleep." His voice shattered into a thousand pieces, each a haunting reminder of his terror.

The demon stirred, amber eyes glinting in the light of the death stick.

"David?  Christ, what's the matter, you sound like you've seen a ghost...  Is it Paradox?  He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"N-no.  It was just a dream...  Sorry that I woke you up."

*"Stupid boy, can't do a thing right, can you?"*

"Shut up!"

"David...  Are you sure that you're alright?"

Yuvon sashayed over to him, eyes full of concerned confusion.

"I'm fine," he said, too harshly.  His voice grated on his nerves.

*"You're just like him, you know.  Always snapping at people.  You're a rabid dog.  Someone should put you down."*

"Stop it," he groaned, grabbing the sides of his head and starting to pace.  "Shut up, shut up, shut ***up**..."

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