Racist Drake

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He hated the river and everything it stood for.  Inconsistency.  Uncleanliness.  Disordiliness.  It disgusted him.  Why he was drawn to it this night on his walk, he had no clue.  But he had a feeling...  And who was he to deny the gods?

He could hear a faint mewling, quiet, almost hidden by the sound of rushing water and birdsong.  His brow creased.

A child?  This late?  Curfew was eleven, even any non-military adults were allowed out.  He would get to the bottom of this.

The sound led him to the river, dangerously close to the edge of the muddy water.

"Hello there?  Come out at once, and I'll let you off with a warning."

He counted to ten.  Nothing.  Except for more pathetic mewls.

He neared the water.

"Hello there?  This is your last chance!  Come out or-"

He saw it.  Small, smeared with dirt and blood.  It's fur was matted and full of twigs.  It whimpered, barely gripping onto the remenants of a rotten log. First, there was the disgust. It was Darvian, a pathetic, loathsome creature. Drake picked it up by the scruff.

One of it's eyes was a hole. A cavernous, ragged emptiness that seemed to take up half it's face. Claw marks framed it, hinting at what had happened.

He curled his lip in disgust. Filthy Darvian, cruel even to their own brats.

The thing coughed up a wad of leaves and water, one eye staring pathetically.

"You're thinking of killing it, aren't you?"

Drake whirled around, to see a man. He had expected Karak himself to be glowing, shining with glory, but no. The rain fell upon him like any other, if anything, warping shadows to his side like a cloak. But he knew immediately who it was.

The general kneeled. "My lord... I would if it pleased you."

Karak curled a lip, "I do not condone the killing of an innocent. She has wreaked no chaos, no havoc."

"I... I apologize, my lord..."

The god sneered, laughing. "In fact, I was testing your mercy... Obviously, you have none.
I dont care about all those that you've harmed, but was hoping that at least you would recognize one of my own."

Karak, god of unpredictability and chaos. Drake swallowed.

"My lord, if y-y-you would give me another chance...! I... I can change. Let me raise the cub..." Karak hummed.

"I could show you mercy...  But then again, you know nothing of it, do you?"

He sneered.

"Although you father is to blame for that..."

The creature whined pathetically, twisting in Drake's grasp.

"Hmmf...  I shall give you a chance.  One.  Raise her as your own,.treat her like your child.  I will check up on you two.  Now off, mortal, I have business to attend to." Drake stared at the whining thing, and sighed, before rushing back home.


Two days, and it was already a living nightmare. What was he thinking, rais ing a child? One he had no knowledge of, as well.

He stared at the creature distastefully, unsure of how to feed the screaming baby.  The infant was lying on her stomach, silver eyes baleful as she watched him and cried.  He had no cradle, so she was currently sitting on his bed, screeching, as he watched from his desk in a mixture of disgust and fear.

"SHUT UP!" he snapped.  It worked with the Junior Brutalis, why not with a baby?

She quieted, alright, ears flicking back as she dug her teeth into his pillow, snarling.

He stared back, slack jawed.

"You little shit..."

She shook her head, destroying the pillow in a cloud of stuffing. He snatched her up by the leg, snarling evilly. "No! No, no, no that is very, very bad!"

The youngling let out a wail, whimpering again as he dropped her and stormed off. The pup was starving, practically on death's door, and Drake couldn't care less.

She detected an odd scent. A man gently pressed a bottle to her lips, before leaving with a string of angry cursing.

Drake returned to find the baby contentedly sucking on a gilded bottle.

He paled, shaking.

"Good gods...  I should've just let him kill me...  I'm not prepared to be a father..."

The pup eyed him warily, flinching slightly as he sat on the bed, burying his face in his hands.

She whimpered.

"What?" he snapped.

"What?" she mimicked, her voice irregular and croaky.

He jumped, staring at her.

"Good...Karak..." he gasped.  "You can talk!"

"...can talk!  What?" she gurgled.

(One of the first signs of being huminoid a Darvian shows is mimicking sound.  Like a parrot.  Drake doesn't know this, of course.)

Drake stretched his arms out to take her in his hands, staring at the girl scrutinizingly.

"Are you mimicking me?" He growled, the pup whimpering and writhing to escape that harsh glare.

She sniffled, crying again. "Mimicking me? Can talk!"

He recoiled, distaste in his eyes. This creature was disgusting, a living fleabag.

"What should I even call you? I guess 'pathetic thing' isn't very becoming..."

She whimpered, lightly biting his knuckle.  He may not know a thing about children, but he knew dogs.

A sign of friendship or trust, that gentle bite was.

He found himself laughing a bit.  She was just a dog, after all, he could handle this.

"Ow...  Watch your fangs, brat, you still have your bloody milk teeth."


He cocked his head, drawing her into his lap and eyeing her.


She licked his cheek.

"Fangs?  Fangs!  Fangs!" she yipped, tail wagging nervously. "Congratulations, Drake Mars," He murmured to himself, "You've just had a daughter... And her name is Fang."

The Anguin let go of his resentment and rubbed her head, then behind the ears, and finally scratching right next to the tail.

She let out a little puff of air, and curled up, nose pressing into his belly.  He chuffed, rubbing her stomach.

"There's a good girl.  I guess that makes me an Apa now...  Gods."


She licked his hand, eyeing him.

"Apa!  Fang!  Apa!"

She smiled proudly, yawning.


She curled into a ball in his lap, falling asleep almost instantly.

(Credit to XyranCosmica for helping write this.)

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