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(AN: This is an AU of an existing story I have with my friends empatheticanalyst and Creepytori_02, called Royal Hearts.  Check out the story by Creepytori_02!)

  Kyros eyed Vlad, tapping his fingers against the dark mahogany of the table.

  A tense silence had run through the room, killing any conversation that may have sprung from the cold air of the court.

  "Lord Vladimir," he eventually hissed, diplomatic smile holding all the warmth of an insulted Barvakian.  "You must be able to see how this is an...inopportune time for you to call a meeting.  We are at war, and every second that I'm away is another second that we're losing.  So could you please for the love of Din, get on with it?"

  Yuvon shot him a scowl, rolling her eyes.  As much as the general grated on her nerves, he had a point.

  Vlad cleared his throat nervously, sending a shaky smile at the Ar'rhvians.

  "O...of course, Lord Mars," he said, clearing his throat and making a failed attempt at straightening his shoulders.  "We called this meeting for a very important reason, however..."

  The general eyed him.

  "... Go on..."

  "Well, we've been experiencing a lot of rebellion lately, and, as our allies, it would be most helpful to us if you could lend a hand."

  The Anguin stared at Vlad in complete shock, his eyes narrowing.

  "Gods fucking damn it."

  He stood, towering over the king.

  "I'll excuse your ignorance, as you are clearly inexperienced in war, but I think you fail to understand what I just said.  We are at war.  There are thousands of soldiers out there as we speak, dying, bleeding, suffering so that we may live another day in the hell we call life and you have the audacity to ask us to spare them just so they can be wasted here, guarding your cattle?"

  He growled.

  "We have helped you long enough, Lord Vladimir.  If you can not control your country, what benefit are we to gain from you?  We have our own cattle, our own livestock.  At this point, you're more of a burden to us than an-"

  "Sit down, General Mars."

  Yuvon rose, her companion reluctantly dropping into his seat, still trembling with rage.

  "Lord Vladimir," she began.  "We would be happy to help you, but we can't afford to spare the men.  I apologize for my general.  He's quite...patriotic."

  The Anguin bristled at this but said nothing, emerald eyes following her as she paced in front of the king.

  "Surely we can help strategize," she said. "But we can't give up any soldiers.  Perhaps you could utilize your hidden army?"

  -Abrupt ending-

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