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It was a stormy day. It felt like it never stopped raining to conor. Then Essix came in followed by Rollan, Meilin and Abeke. "Do you want to play truth or dare?" Rollan asked Conor."Sure."he replied, Even thogh he didn't know how to play truth or dare. It seemed like Abeke could sence his uncertainty. " Truth or Dare is where you ask someone Truth or Dare if you say truth someone asks you a question and if say dare you have to do something crazy like lick the floor."Abeke explained. "Thanks Captain Obvious."Meilin commented. Abeke gave a slight nod to Conor. "Anyway lets get started.Meilin replied."Conor why dont you go first" "ok" Conor replied. "Abeke, Truth or Dare? " Conor asked. "Truth"Abeke replied. "Is it true you had no boyfriends back in Nilo? Conor asked." No, i had 1 boyfriend but i dumped him because he didnt like that i hunted." Abeke admitted. "Ok, my turn." "Meilin, Truth or Dare."Abeke asked . "Dare." Meilin replied. I dare you to get tied up and Rollan has to save you in 5 minutes of time." Abeke said. "WHAT?!NO!"Meilin shouted. "Its a dare you have to do it.Abeke said with a smirk. "Fine."Meilin said. She glared at Abeke why she got tied up."Rollan, your time starts...... NOW!" Abeke said.

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