Prank Call

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile but I'm here now at 5:00 in the morning! I'm so tired! Anyway let's get into the story!

Rollans POV
Rollan crept through the halls of green haven castle all the way to olvans room. He got his toilet paper and crawled into the room Olvan wasn't there. He's probably eating breakfast, guess Meilin picked the perfect time. Rollan thought. He teepeed the whole room and was about to leave when.... " Can't wait to hit the sacks again being chief of the green cloaks isn't easy!" Olvan said. Olvan Rollan thought he quickly ran into the closet. He heard the door open and then close. "WHAT?!" He heard Olvan scream, " Who teepeed my room?!" He heard Olvan stomp out and Rollan made a run for it. He ran in till he finally reached the other. He just sat there for a second catching his breath.

Rollan smiled to himself. He had done it!! Olvan would be in a really bad mood for the rest of the day, though. Rollan walked back to the place where they were having truth or dare.

"It has been done!" Rollan did dramatically, putting one foot on a rock and smiling. They all just looked at him for a second before Meilin said "Ok Rollan, now it's your turn to pick someone for truth or dare." Meilin looked expectantly at Rollan.

"Conor, truth or dare?" Rollan asked Conor. "Umm..uh.. dare! Wait no truth!" Conor finally decided. "Okay that took a while but anyway. Who do you like?" Rollan asked with a smirk. Rollan already knew but he wanted Conor to admit it to everyone.

"Oh...I don't have one!" Conor blurted our. "That's a lie." Meilin said. Meilin and Rollan smirked at each other and Meilin stood up. Meilin whispered in Rollan's ear and Rollan nodded in reply.

"I like that idea." Rollan said. "Conor, if you don't answer truthfully, you have to kiss Meilin." Rollan and Meilin knew that Conor would not kiss Meilin because he liked Abeke.

Abeke looked slightly hurt by this ultimatum but Meilin gave her a look that said "You'll see."

Meanwhile Conor was stuttering like crazy. What was he going to do?! "I guess I'll kiss Meilin then." Conor said. Conor walked over to Meilin, sure she would back down. But this was Meilin we were talking about." Ok!" Meilin said. She strode over to Conor and waited.

Now Rollan was getting mad. So while Conor and Meilin were looking at each other, Rollan and Abeke were about to burst. Conor and Meilin leaned in.

"Ok, Fine!" Conor said. "I can't do it. I like Abeke!" Conor turned beet red with this confession, as did Abeke. Conor just sat back down next to Abeke. Rollan and Meilin couldn't see, but Abeke took Conors hand from behind the log they were sitting on.

Rollan yanked Meilin from where she had been standing and put an arm around her protectively. Meilin in turn just held onto Rollans arm. "Ok Conor it's your turn to ask someone." Meilin said.

Conor wanted revenge. "Ok, Meilin truth or dare?" He had wanted to pick Rollan, but he had just went so he picked his partner in crime.  "Dare!" Meilin said triumphantly. "I dare you to kiss Rollan." Conor said bluntly.

Meilin just kind of stared at Conor for a while. "Wait, what?"

"C'mon it's not like it's your first one! You kissed after we discovered Tellun and we all know what went down by the waterfall." Conor said sassily. 😂

Meilin, not one to show fear, defiantly said "Fine then." Meilin knew Conor wanted her to feel and embarrassed and not do it. So she did the opposite.

Meilin put her hands in Rollans hair and kissed him. Rollan wrapped his arms around her waist to deepen the kiss. Meilin smelt cinnamon as she leaned into Rollan, and Rollan felt her soft hair which smelled like coconut.  Meilins hands traveled down to Rollans shirt where she wrapped her hand in the cloth so he couldn't pull away. Rollan didn't mind, not one bit.

"Hey I'm Guys!" Conor said. Rollan and Meilin pulled a part and looked at him in annoyance. "You can stop now."

"Ok." said Meilin, unaffected. Rollan was quite the opposite. He was bright red and recovering from that kiss. Finally, Rollan just sat down next to Meilin.

"Abeke, truth or dare?" Meilin asked turning towards Abeke. "You know what, I choose dare." Abeke said confidently.

"Ok. I dare you to walk into a training room full of Greencloaks and start singing Kumbaya." Meilin said.

"What?! Wait what's kumbaya?" Abeke asked.

"It's like this chant. You say : Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbayaaaaa. And you just repeat that." Conor told Abeke.

"Make sure you stay in there for exactly a minute saying that because I will be counting." Meilin said.

"Oh so you're coming with me?" Abeke asked. Meilin nodded and started toward Green Haven. Abeke hurriedly got up and followed.

Hey!! So it's been 2 years since I last updated, but anyways here it is. If you want more just reilin or just conbeke instead of all these other challenges then go checkout my account. I have oneshots and one where the four fallen goes to school.

With love,

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