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Abeke and Meilin walked over the lawn to Greenhaven. As they walked, Abeke and Meilin started conversing.

"So, you and Conor a thing now?" Meilin asked as she playfully nudged Abeke with her shoulder. Abeke blushed a deep red a looked down at her feet. "I don't know, honestly." Abeke looked back up at Meilin.

"Oh come on, Abeke! He is definitely going to ask you out!" Meilin smiled at Abeke. Abeke laughed as she thought about that. If Conor asked her out she would probably scream with joy.

"What about Rollan?" Abeke asked Meilin. Two could play at that game. "What about him?" Meilin asked nonchalantly. But Abeke could see the slight pink reaching up her cheeks.

"Oh come on, Meilin! He is definitely going to ask you out!" Abeke said, imitating the tone Meilin had taken with her before. Meilin laughed before she stopped where she was standing to gaze up at the castle.

"Are you ready?" Meilin asked Abeke. Abeke gulped and tried to look confident. "Ready as I'll ever be." Abeke was not that scared, but she knew that she could probably get in a lot of trouble for this. She ran through the door and into the training room.

There were several younger kids with a few of the older trainers. They all looked over at her to stare. Abeke looked back at Meilin. She gave her a thumbs up.

"Kumbaya, my lord, kumbayaaa." Abeke began singing the chant. Everyone looked at her weirdly before they joined in. Everyone in the training room was suddenly chanting the words.

After one minute, Meilin walked into the room. She gestured to Abeke. "Come on." Meilin whispered. Abeke stopped singing but everyone else didn't notice. They were all still chanting.

Abeke slipped out of the room and she and Meilin ran back to the boys. "Well that was not what I deprecated to happen." Said Meilin.

Abeke and Meilin looked at each other and they both burst out laughing. "The way they all looked at you..... and closed their eyes!" Pretty soon both girls could not contain their laughter.

"Okay.... um.. Abeke is your turn to ask truth or dare to someone." Abeke calmed her self down before turning to Rollan. She decided to a little bit of torture for both Rollan and Meilin.

"Truth or Dare, Rollan." Abeke asked, eyes mischievous. She knew that Rollan would pick dare, he always did. "Dare." Rollan repulsed without hesitation.

Abeke smilies internally. Now this was going to be good. "I dare you not to touch Meilin until it is your turn next. Meilin you cannot touch Rollan either." Rollan gaped at Abeke. Rollan was holding Meilins hand right at that moment.

Abeke immediately felt terrible. Meilin stared at Rollan with tears glistened in her eyes. Meilin had nightmares all the the time and got flashbacks in the day. Rollan was like her life line. She needed to hold on to him, just to not breakdown. Meilin dropped Rollans hand and went to sit somewhere else.

Rollan looked over at Abeke, his eyes full of anger. "No! We can't do this dare." Meilin could not hear what Rollan was saying as she was in a conversation with Conor. Rollan strode over to Abeke.

"She needs me." Rollan whispered. He also looked ready to cry and Abekes heart almost broke. But, she could not take back the dare. Rollan looked back at Meilin where she was sitting next to Conor. "I'm sorry Rollan, let's just play the game so it will be over soon."

Rollan turned over to Meilin. He gulped as he looked at her. His eyes were burning with longing. "Truth or dare, Meilin." He exhaled shakily. "Truth." Meilin replied to Rollan. It looked like she was trying to not meet his eyes. Abeke sat back down next to Rollan. She didn't want to sit next to Conor as it might make Meilin and Rollan upset.

She smiled at Rollan, at an attempt to show him that she was okay. Rollan took a deep breath and Abeke realized something. Rollan wanted to admit as if Meilin needed him, but she could see that he needed Meilin as well. "What was you favorite subject in school?" Rollan asked. Abeke knew that Rollan was trying to cheer her up.

Meilin smiled at Rollan before staring off into the distance in thought. "It was probably reading. I love to read. That's why I found the Greenhaven library before any of you. I was seeking it out. At my old house in Zhong, we had a library and I loved it." Meilin eyes turned wistful as she imagined her old home.

"Okay, Meilin. It's time for you to ask someone." Conor had spoken up after a while. Meilin didn't not miss a beat. "Rollan, truth or dare?" Meilin stuttered the words out. "Dare." Rollan said just as fast as Meilin. "I dare you to kiss me." Meilin said. "Okay!" Rollan said with a lot of enthusiasm.

He ran over to Meilin and kissed her. He kissed with so much force that she was lifted off her feet. Meilin laughed. "That was a good dare." Rollan said, out of breath. They both sat back down, both of them grasping on to eachother. Rollan had an arm around Meilin and Meilin had her arm wrapped around him.

"Okay Rollan, you get to ask again." Abeke asked expectantly. "One of you guys can ask someone instead." Rollan said this without looking away from Meilin.

"Okay. Conor, truth or dare?" Abeke turned to Conor. "I think I will choose Dare."  Conor said nervously. Abeke pondered what to ask him. She then knew exactly what to make him do. 

This would drive Olvan crazy if Conor did this. Olvan was upsessed with coffee. He had various coffee shirts, many different coffees, and merchandise. He had a problem. "Okay Conor, are you ready to be destroyed by Olvan?" Abeke asked Conor. Conor gulped. "I guess."

"Conor I dare you hide all of olvans coffee things, including his coffee." Abeke announced. Even Rollan and Meilins topped staring at eachother to gale at her. Everyone knew that touching Olvans stuff was far from a good idea.

"What?! I can't do that!" Conor exclaimed. Abeke just smiled. She was turning evil with this dares. "You have to." Abeke said tauntingly. Abeke laughed at Conors expression. "Okay..." and with that Conor walked to Greenhaven castle, Abeke in tow.

Hey guys!! I was getting some requests to update this, so here we are. I will also be updating my oneshots books and my school book soon. Bye!!


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