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I totally ship Reilin. I hope you guys actually read this because I love writing these!! Stay tuned for updates in the future!!
Rollans POV.
Rollan to Meilin and took out his dagger. He cut the rope and was about when Abeke said "also you have to carry her back!"Abeke said as rollan picked Meilin."Get off of me!!"Meilin yelled as Rollan picked her up."I don't want to do this anymore than you do!"Rollan retorted. When they
came back to the camp Meilin punched Rollan in anger. " Hey!"Rollan yelped. "That ones for picking me up!" Meilin said. Meilin punched Rollan again in the opposite shoulder."STOP!" He yelled."And that one was for being so nice about it!" Meilin said. Rollan smirked at her. "Is that really so bad?" He asked with a mischievous eyebrow. "Why do you have to so cute?!" Meilin blurted out. It took her a second to realize her mistake."I-" she tried to cover it up."No,no,no! I heard you! Rollan said with a grin. "Whatever." Meilin said trying to be cool.But he could see a small smile creeping across her face. "Any way it's my turn. Rollan truth or dare? Meilin asked Rollan. " Uhh.... Obviously Dare!" Rollan said. "I dare you and Conor to sing my favorite song and if you get it wrong you have to spill a bucket full of ice over olvans head." Melin said. "WHAT?! Rollan yelled/asked. " Fine.Come here Conor!"

Abeles Pov.

"What is your favorite song?" Abeke asked Meilin. "Dark horse or liviin the vida loca. Meilin replied."I'll take either." Suddenly Rollan and Conor jumped out of a tent in Mexican clothes.

Conor:She's in to superstition
Rollan:Black cats and voodoo dolls
Conor:She makes me so dizzy
Rollan:that girl gonna make me fall
As Conor and Rollan sung the song. Abeke tried so hard not to laugh.She could see meilin about to too,but she was good at acting. When the boys finished even Meilin couldn't stop laughing. They all started cracking up on the ground. "Ok,my-"Rollan started to say."Actually it's not."Meilin interrupted."I never said what would happen if you did sing the right song.Rollan, I dare you to teepee olvans room.

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