7: Save you tonight

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 When we reached the mall Harry brought out a dark duffel bag containing god knows what . It might be a dead body , but then again the bag's too small for a body to fit in it so i just shrugged 

"What's in the bag ?" Rei asked as if reading my thoughts 

"Oooh , Food ?" Niall and I asked simultanously causing them to laugh 

Hey , I'm hungry . 

Instead of delicious treats Harry brought out sunglasses and beanies . "Disguises" He informed us tugging a beanie on letting some curls slip out 

Each boy grabbed and wore their so called 'Disguises' . 

"What are we gonna do here anyways ?" Abby asked waiting for an answer as she chewed gum 

"Oh you know , Hunt ghosts" Louis said fixing the beanie he has on . Ooh , the sassy one . I should start calling him sassy ! But then it's a girl's name , but then again i dont care .

"We're gonna shop you guys some new clothes," Niall said cheering while me and the girls groaned in frustration 

My feet will hurt i bet my life for that . But good thing i was wearing high-tops 

"Why do we need new clothes anyway" 

"Duh , It's snowy and cold in England  not  sunny and hot like  here on Australia" Louis said earning a smack from Liam  then he returned the smacked to Niall

"Ow what'chado that for?!" he complained soothing the injured area . 

when  they're finished with their disguises we hopped off the car as it drove away and walked in to the mall

"Lucky for us there werent any fans close by" Abby  said letting her eyes wander around the big mall

"That's kinds why we have disguises , ladies" Zayn said confused 

"That won't work , Even I can tell you're one direction far off a distance" Rei tattered helping Abby 

"Lets see"

We started walking towards a shop when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulders . I instantly grabbed it's arms and pulled it over my head making the person lie down straight on his back 

I heared a faint 'ouch' and the 1D dudes immediately helped the guy in a hoodie . Then 3 other people came rushing on to us and checked out on  the injured guy 

It took me a minute to see that the guy i just took down was Luke . I felt worry shoot down my spine and immediately bend down on my knees to help him and check if he has bruises 

We might had an awkward and sappy past but that won't stop me from worrying . He just have some unexplainable effect on me . He brings out the good in every bad side i have 


My dad wasnt so fond of Luke being my boyfriend at this age . He thinks our relationship will affect my grades . But I know I wont , Im top in the class even though i don't study . And now i have Luke , I have more reasons to study and get my grades higher than ever .

But of course , Dad doesn't understand that yet . So I talked back earning a lecture from him . This is all too much so I went out the house and ran nextdoor to Luke .

Lucky for us his mom was'nt home yet

"Gabby ? What are you doing here ?" He asked , worry evident in his voice

Instead of answering , I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his waist keeping him in a hug . Moments later , he hugged me back .

Then I started to tell Luke what's wrong .

"I just don't understand him . I mean , I explained everything and flatted out everything that he worries but he still can't get it Luke" I said snuggling into him , inhaling his scent 

"Ssh," he cooed "He's just worried about you" he added while playing with my light brown curls with his index finger 

"Do you think I don't  know that ?" i asked sarcastically "I just want him to understand everything"

"He'll come around , Gab" 

"you think so ?"

"I know so , Mr.Thorne's a great father and i know he'll understand , just give him some time Gabs"

"Okay, Luke" 


"Oh my gosh Luke . Im so sorry " i said checking his back as he groaned 

"Im fine" he managed to choke out 

"So sorry , i acted on reflexes . It's kinda , i-um I got used to it" I apologized again 

It's true , When he and I ended , some guys along the alley wanted to kidnap me but luckily i escaped . After that Dad sent me to self defense class and forced me to learn for my own safety 

"It's fine . I'm fine" He said as he tries to get up 

"Damn girl" Michael commented , shocked .

a giggle escape from my lips . 

Wait , I don't do giggle , I laugh . It's a giggle , a voice inside my head confirmed . Shut up .

Luke got up and started to swat dust off of his hoodie .

Liam ordered us to be in pairs so that a crowd won't show up . I mean , he's got a point . Nine boys that look like 5sos and One Direction walking together with Four girls that look like the winners of this year's B.O.B  . Sure , it wont . 

Liam's with Zayn 

Louis's with Calum 

Abby's with Niall 

Rei's with Michael

Hanah's with Ashton 

and that left us with Me , Luke and Harry . 

Talk about awkward .

We let ourselves window shop until we find the right clothes we'll be needing . 

But Harry doesnt act that way .

He literally dragged me from one shop to another . Screw you rich international  popstar .

With 4 bags in each hand , Harry dragged me to Hollister to grab some Hoodies . Me and Luke trailed behind him like lost puppies .

 "Try this on !" 

"This one too !"

"Oh girl , try this ."

Harry pushed me inside a cubicle with 3 different hoodies .

One hoodie that says 'Out Of Order' , One hoodie with Finn and Jake on it and  a simple purple hoodie . 

"Don't leave me okay ? Stay there" I yelled out to the two boys 


"Of course"

I was surprised when Luke answered too . He barely looks at me , talks to me and even gets near me nowadays . So it clearly was a surprise . 

I tried every single hoodie and picked only one . 

"Oh no you don't" Harry said taking all of the hoodies i've tried on and gave it to the cashier

"Harry ! I don't have enough money" I reasoned out 

"Who says you're paying ?" he retorded 

"Im not letting you pay" I said opening my wallet and shoved money to the cashier "There." taking the bag , we heard a very lous scream . 


So sorry i havnt updated ! but here you are , still reading this ! ilysm guys ! thank you for 303 reads ! ;D Leave a commnt and a vote xx

Twitter :@Face_palm12 & @Timmpanny

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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