Emily is an average type of girl, she doesn't like when people boss her around or control her but one night when her and her Bestfriend; Monica, they both goes out to a club and Emily drinks a little too much and ends up in a stranger home without k...
The home phone then rings and Monica answers it. She talks for about a few minutes then hangs up. "So what's that about" I ask her. "I have to cater this Organization Party tonight " She writes down something on a note.
"Ohhh that's cool I --Wait" I then remember
"What Time is it?" She looks at her watch. "10:30 why?"
"WORK!!!" I run to the bathroom and get ready. I go in my closet and take out a plain white shirt and a high waist light grey pants and I tuck the shirt inside the pants with black heels.
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I wrap my hair up in a bun and grab my purse and throw the gold watch around my arm as I run out the door.
"BYE! Monica I'll call you later" she nods and I run and hop inside my car. Honestly I don't know how my car got here but I don't care. I start to drive to the clinic. *
I rush inside and throw on my white doctor coat on me. A dark haired, pretty girl with green eyes walks up to me.
"Hey Ashley" I greet her
"Hey Emily" she says.
"How are you on this fine morning?" She ask with a big smile.
I chucked "Good, thankfully"
Ashely and me have been work partners since I started working here out of all the Vet techs, me and her got along the most. She literally always come to work with a huge smile on her face and she's never late. I honestly don't know how she can stay this happy in such tiring days.
"You have mail" She hands me a white envelope with a red stamp in the middle of it.
"Oh thanks.." I start to open it. Is she gonna stand there and watch me open it...? I shrug and open it.
"Uhh...you do it. I don't feel like it." I hand her the envelope.
She unfold the paper and starts reading it.
"What is it?" I ask. She looks at me " It's an Invitation to An Organization about Endangered Orcas Party" I make a Confused face. "What? Let me see" I grab the paper and read it myself. "Ohhhh"
She looks at me suspecting me to explain to her.
"Oh! Okay! right, your still here. Alright. Before I came to New York, I helped Fund This 'Endangered Orcas' thing and it was the most awesome thing ever but something bad happened to the fundraiser and they cancelled it, But I have no idea why it's up and running again. Well anyway they invited me to thank me for helping or whatever. But I really don't feel like attending" I walk to where the dogs are as Ashley follows me
"Well why not? I'm sure I'll be fun" She ask.
I laugh "Oh Honey no" I wash my hands and pour the hand sanitizer on my hands.