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As soon as Nerpato knew he and Quaker were being attacked he yelled in the direction of camp. He managed to bellow a "Help!" before a hand clamped across his mouth, and with violent strength someone dragged him to the ground.

Siggy had heard Nerpato's yell first, he woke the others who were asleep and took off toward the scene of the noise. The others followed quickly, Jonathan at the back, still rubbing sleep from his eyes.

They found a tall man, clad in black, standing over the unconscious figures of Nerpato and Quaker.

"Who are you?" Siggy demanded

"More like who are you?" the man had a deep and powerful voice.

"Why have you attacked our friends?"

"To be honest," the man admitted "I didn't know you were kids, things get very dangerous out here, I'll help them up and tell you what's going on if you want. I'll carry them to the campfire, you best get it stoked up."

The man carried Nerpato and Quaker over each shoulder, and dropped them by the fireside. He took an ointment from his rucksack, and soon had them conscious again.

"I'm sorry," the man said, treating the two dazed boys.

"What happened?" Quaker asked, his eyes looked startled.

"I hit you," the man admitted, "I'm sorry."

When Quaker and Nerpato were sitting up the man gathered everyone around the blazing fire. The heat it was emanating was strong enough to keep the shivers off the nervous shoulders sat around it.

"My name," the stranger started "Is Krill, and five years ago me and two friends got stranded here looking for the legend of the Fourth Man. In two weeks both of them were dead, in very unusual circumstances, I was lucky to find the people I did. There is nine of us, all stranded on the Island for different reasons, mainly lost in the search for the Fourth Man. In seven years they haven't found the Fourth Man, only a strange stone temple, and a scripture to do with Code Eighty-Six. I didn't know what any of these things meant, and I still really don't now."

"Do you have any idea where we are?" Jonathan asked

"Well we've established we're on a fourth island, but not exactly sure where. Two people of the group once left to try and find a way off, and they didn't come back. We assume they didn't make it. The temple is the closest we've came to finding anything to do with the Fourth Man, but that's all. We just survive off the game around and try our best to figure out the mysteries of the island."

"The mysteries of the island?"

"There's too many to tell you about now, but I'll stay with you tonight, and tomorrow I can lead you to our camp, we always relish new people, they have a fresh view on people, although never kids before."

"Yeah, that sounds good," said Exo, spokes-manning for the group.

"Good, then get some sleep, but at least two people on watch at all times, I have a spare knife."

"Why do we need weapons?"

"You'll soon see with enough time here, there's unexpected danger around every corner."

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