chapter 10

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Justin's pov

when I told her the rules, she went straight upstairs and I went to sit on the couch watching 'workaholic' when Nana our maid more than a family member, made me popcorn and grabbed a can of coke

it was half way of the movie when I heard Nana's voice coming from the kitchen, ' Justin, Tina lunch is ready'..I got up and sat on the table playing on my phone waiting for my food

I heard footsteps coming down the marble staircase and I knew it was Tina cause of her sniffling around in tbe background and I knee she was crying but I didn't care less and I didnt even make an attempt to even greet her so I kept playing on my phone

she came and sat down beside me on the big table when Nana brought the food (mushpotato and meat with vegetables) my favorite  and placed them infront of us and sat with us.. I felt so uncomfortable sitting next to her, I got up and took my plate and sat at the far end of the table away from Tina

Nana gave me the death stare but I ignored it and kept chewing on my food until her irritating voice came out " Im going to my dads house at 5 and I want to go to the airport to say my goodbyes" she told me but kept her glare at the food infront of her

"alright but remember be here before 6 or their will be consequences" she nodded her head and got up and went to her room to change her clothes

I went back to watching my movie. I heard the door open and close and I fell asleep on the couch


hi guys thanks for reading

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