chapter 40

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Tina's pov

as Nana left the room and Justin had to stay with me. it was an awkward silence between the two of us.. a girl walked in known as selena which Justin addressed her and she just attached his lips

I felt hurt, and jealous flew through out my body. I couldn't watch the guy that I love the most kiss another girl, I wanted to run away at this moment but the only thing I could do is turn the other cheek and cry to myself

as I heard shuffling, I looked at Justin pushing selena out of the room, a smile creeped up to my face and then I yawned making Justin look at me in a smirk on his face after closing the hospital door and seating down on the chair next to me

"sorry about tbat" he said barely a whisper

"you don't have to apologize justin, you can do what ever you want. im nothing to you, so whats the point" I told im avoiding his gaze

"Tina. I-I..." his voice trailed off not knowing what to say

"goodnight Justin. its getting late " I told him before getting comfortable under the sheets and closing my eyes knowing justin is here by my side

"goodnight" I heard him say before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep

^next day^

I woke up to Justin's hair tickling my hand once again. I wasn't complaining or anything. I loved it to be honest. his soft golden hair is shining through the sun gaze at it making it smooth, I just want to touch it

he looked at me and then what the urge and the surprise he got me to when his lips attached mine, a moaned at the sudden surprise, kissing back in such passion, his soft lips licking mine as its a perfect match

my lungs were screaming for air but I didnt back away his hand is tangled throught my hair as I tugged at his when a moan escaped both our lips making Justin deapen the kiss

as I was backing away to get some air, he slipped his tongue into mine exploring for his own pleasure as we fought and mine slipped in bis mouth a moan escaping my mouth at the sudden urge for his lips as my tongue was exploring bis luscious mouth. we couldn't stop, both of us didnt want to stop as just was pulling at my hair wanting more

I finally backed away breathing heavily as our foreheads touched each other both of our chest moving rapidly as my eyes locked in his

"why Justin why now" I finally spoke up after getting my breathing under control

he was speechless, he started rubbing the back of his head, his gaze not moving away from mine, but he stormed out of the room. leaving me shocked, speechless and every emotion is running through my body as I touched my swallon lips from that surprise kiss. oh how I wanted more of him


hey guys they kissed hah

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