Unsure things

422 11 3

Dani's p.o.v

I woke up to an alarm going off from the other side of the room making me realize yesterday wasn't a dream and I'm stuck in here with two girls and I couldn't careless of. Also remembering the long 2 hour lecture of rules we have to go through with what I believe her name was Ms.Chancy. Something like that.

"Turn it off. It's been going on for the past ten minutes Christina!" My mumble turn to an outrage annoyed voice.

"Get up! In case if you forgotten we gotta eat breakfast before going on with our boring day taking some shitty class!" She replied with a sass. Which I'm not complaining. Kinda like it.

"Well seems like that girl Katherine is in the shower seeing that she's nowhere to be found and that the shower head was going off...so...guess I gotta wait."  I said as I hopped onto her bed to see her roll her eyes as she acknowledge my presence. I don't know what was it that makes me wanna go and just know more about her even though she kept her distance away from me. Ugh.

"Not that I'm concern or anything but seems like you and that one girl you  were hanging out during our lecture yesterday are very close." She announced trying to hide her curiosity with sassy voice.

"Well yes we are. She's the only person that keeps me going and I hate the fact that I can't be with her 24/7 knowing if she's find or not." I said with a sad tone remembering I'm not with her.

"Oh. So you guys a thing or..."

"N-no" I quickly cut her off realizing she look disappointed before I had answer the question.

"Hey so why are you here. W-what did you do?" I said wanting to know more of her.

"Lets just say me and my friends wanted to go out with a bang for our last day when I got caught and they left me with the blame. Not so friends anymore I suppose."

I scoot in closer to her. "Well they clearly don't have a brain to stay and be a real friend...nor to see how courageous you are..." I said with a normal tone as it got softer but loud enough for her to hear. Ugh I wanted to kiss her so bad but know I shouldn't.

"W-what makes you thing I-i don't have a boyfriend..?"

"Well I didn't say you didn't but now that I think of it...You seem to stubborn to keep a stable relationship...and you just stumble upon your words as if you don't know how to lie." I said with direct confident.

"Well if you're so confident about figuring my life. Go ahead and tell me how my life is" she said as I saw her face with instant regret.

"Well if what I said was true then you have a lack of lying and probably prefer to has some genuine and trustworthy in your life which probably what triggered it....well...was your friends. I suppose."

"Is that all you got pretty girl?" She replied smoothly.

"Actually no." I said as I got closer to her face as I caused her to lay down on her bed.

"Every time I get close to you...you tend to flinch now I don't know if it's because you probably petty and so stubborn and think no one can top that until know...or maybe, just maybe it's the that fact that you don't know how to acknowledge me and you may just like it."

At this point I was practically on top of her not. Feeling nervous at the fact I was doing this. When reality hits me feeling both hands were grabbing both sides of my cheeks to realize they were Christina's. I slowly started to panic in the inside not knowing how to take in...well the fact she was pulling me in. Only to feel her breath hit against mine at this point.

"H-hey oh m-my bad I could just go or I don't know you guys should really get ready before breakfast is gone and u-um..." Katherine said a mile a minute as she got out of the shower confused and awkward.

"Yea no. We should really go." Christina said as she quickly push me off of her ready to hit the door.

I bit my lip to the fact that she almost maybe return the feeling and got interrupted but I quickly let it fade away.

"Yeah. I'll go get ready. I'll meet you guys down there." I said with a fake smile knowing I needed to meet up with Lauren instead.

"Alright, we'll see you later" Katherine replied still seeming in shook of the event that just happened.

They approached the door and left, but as soon as I got the bathroom to change to my surprise seeing Christina in the the back.

"Look what happened earlier shouldn't even had happened in the first place. So can we just forget it already happened." She said sincerely. "It's bad enough that Katherine already know" she added on.

"Y-yea of course." I nodded at her as she left. Disappointed at the fact that maybe it could've been something but didn't mean I was going to stop trying.

"Hey ready to go." I look up to quickly bring a smile on my face and see it was Lauren.

"Yeah, almost." I responded.

"C-can you do me a big favor?" she sad nervously.

"Anything. Name it." I responded.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

...oh boi

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