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  Lauren p.o.v

  Okay I know I messed up. I can see it through Lisa's eyes. I feel so bad and it seems like Dani and Christina are doing perfectly fine because they're all lovely dovey with one another. To be honest I wish I was the one Dani was holding onto. Part of the whole "take Lisa down and date Dani" situation was partly because of the first part but also because I thought I could've had something potentially with her. More than a friend. Guess not.

  "Lauren!" I heard a familiar voice that snatch me out of my thoughts.

  "Huh...what. I-I'm sorry" I replied instantly.

  "It's okay. I just wanted to let you know me, Christina and Amy will go up first with Hayton because his car can't  fit all of us then he'll take you guys to the field after. I just needed to know your okay with that" Dani said with concern rubbing my hand. One of many reasons I loved her.

  "Yeah I'll be fine." I lied.

    After the girls took off I heard another voice call out to me.

"Hey Lauren me and Lisa are heading to the library,  if you wanted to come you know...get our knowledge done." Katherine tried to make conversation with me.

  "Yeah I suppose." I said laughing in between seeing how Katherine can sometimes be really dorky and socially awkward but then remember Lisa will be there too.

  Once we enter the library Katherine was the first to ditch us for the books. I already saw that coming.

You know if I can't have Dani why not make an effort to win Lisa's heart. I almost did a couple days ago before this whole situation. The thing is how will I win it now.

I quickly scanned the room to see where Lisa was located then I finally saw her at the end of the corner of the room hidden. I started to calmly walk up to her as she slides her fingers against all the books as she moved her body along searching for one to read.

I was in the opposite direction (luckily) as I quickly grabbed the last book she was holding onto before she went to the next. Clearly already holding hands with her.

"This seems like a good book. I'd highly recommend it" I said trying to flirt for the first time but was calm nodding my head to the last sentence as I grab onto the shelf with my other hand basically trapping her.

"And what makes you say that?" She said as she smiles shyly at me. I got to admit it was cute.

I put my thinking face on.

"Hmmm. I don't know maybe because the one holding it seems very special so maybe the book is too." I couldn't help but be all smiley back because I'm not much of the flirty one.

"Well I mean great way of calling yourself special but there's too of us so I suppose it makes the book double as special." She said as she wink and shyly laughed right after causing me to join seeing how ridiculous the way I'm getting her attention is by a book I don't even know the author of.

"Oh sorry to bother you but...ugh no! I don't recommend that book. Worst author ever. Just no." Katherine said as she pops up behind us and quickly leaving right after with at least 5 books in her hands.

Well thanks for throwing my swag down the drain.

We couldn't help but both laugh and let go of the book causing me to unreleased her from my trap.

"Your so beautiful inside and out...don't let one take you heart and soul for granted." I calmly blurred out not thinking.

She gave me an awkward look still with a smile but who could blame her that was just out of the ordinary.

"All lies" I add on. Which was the truth. Knowing I shouldn't try to get her if I was going to do her wrong at the end.

Lisa p.o.v

Ugh. What was she doing to me. To many mix feelings. All I know was that I wanted to kiss her so bad but remembering in the back of my head she did me wrong yet she was telling me not to let that happen to me.

What was she trying to get across?

We were awfully to close to each other at this point. I couldn't help but stare at her lips knowing I was going to regret what I was going to say.

"Kiss me" yup I couldn't be any dumper.

Shockingly I quickly felt a pair of lips I've been missing attach to mine. As she pinned me against the wall knowing no one will see us behind the shelf.

I quickly depended on her and let her take full control for the first time since I'm usually the controlling one.

She put her hands underneath my shirt as she moved it up and down as I couldn't help but cuffed my hands behind her head deeping our kiss. My heart started racing to the fact that she knew how to aim for the right spot on my neck causing me to slip out a soft moan then went back to my lips and biting them several of times but leaving me off with one last one...leaving me wanting more.

We slowly pulled away for each other to see her eyes widen a bit.

I knew it was to good to be true.

" I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."

What? Why? Did I miss something. I honestly don't know what's your reason for not wanting to. I'm so confused.

All I did with give her a confused mix of expression.

"Hey guys Hayton is here, he decided he wanted us to work together as a whole instead from what he told me right now." Katherine once again pop out of nowhere.

We head into the girl letting kath sit upfront with him because we weren't dump enough to know there was something with them.

Katherine p.o.v

I honestly don't know what's going on with them two but it's all good cause they seem fine so let me just be more nervous at the fact that I'm sitting with Hayton.

"Dude yes! I've read all five books you have! May I just say they're really good." Hayton looked at me with a smile. It's so cute. Ah!

"Really I don't know how you make time being a FBI." I replied shortly.

"Well actually they had me behind computers and books before sending me out onto the field so yeah."

  For some reason he decided to put music only in the back of the car so the girls won't heard what he had to say I suppose.

  "Listen I know your not here because you did something bad in school but because your Ms. Chancy niece. So please know I genuinely like you for you. Your personality is so rare but so beautiful and I hope if you one day find someone you take an interesting they won't break your fragile soul. But we all know you can pinned a man down in a matter of seconds if you wanted to. Really though. Don't let people tell you otherwise." He seemed so sincere.

  "Thanks" I nodded with a smile. That's was all I could say knowing our relationship or whatever is taken to a deeper level because no one could know about it.

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