Just the begging

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Lauren's p.o.v

"You mean like...actually date" Dani said as she demonstrated by putting her hands together awkwardly.

"Yea b-but no. I just need that Lisa girl off of me. She keeps flirting with me and I-i just thought if I pretended to have a girlfriend she may just back off for once" I said nervously as I scratch my back unsure what Dani thought about it.

"Well what makes you believe that?"


              Flashback to earlier

It's 3 am in the morning and I've been waiting this long until talkative Amy and flirty girl over there finally knocked out and I could finally take a shower without worrying.

I grabbed my clothes and headed towards the bathroom until...

"Hey what are you doing up at this time"

"Lisa!!! Get out, I'm about to take a shower just please let me take shower in peace..." I started in a rage then held it back in and spoke calmly.

"Gosh...I just need to pee gorgeous" she wink towards me. "Starting to think I should to stick around." She said ask she smirked.

"Ugh" all I could do was mumble back. At first I like the flirtatious thing she was doing until it got to much and I hated it. Besides she probably does that to a lot of people she finds attractive.

"I'm fine. If you honestly don't need to pee then please just let me take my shower." I said as sincerely as I could.

"My bad I really like you" she announced as she started to get close to me as I slowly backed up until I hit against the wall.

Her face was so close to mine as I felt butterflies going up through my stomach not knowing how to react. Then suddenly her lips crashed into mine and for a good couple of seconds I felt the need to pursue it. Her tongue begged for entrance as I finally approved, feeling her hands go up my shirt as she pulled it off of me. I grabbed the back of her head pulling it to mine feeling the urge to have more. She then started to move her lips down my neck causing me to almost moan.

Shit. Shit. I quickly pushed her back.
"Stop kissing me. Just stop." I said not knowing how to word it.

"What do you mean. You seemed like you enjoyed it while it last."

"No" I instantly regretted my words. I didn't know what to say to excuse myself.


"I'm dating someone okay. I'm dating Dani." Oh no. What did I do.

"Oh. O-okay" she said disappointed.

" Sorry I didn't know. I-i....I'll just be heading back to bed I wouldn't wanna make it any more awkward than it could get." She added.

"Y-yea." That's all what I could say feeling bad for my action.

She headed out as I got myself settled.

"Hey once again I'm really sorry. I-i really am" she said with guilt on her face with half of her body sticking out the door.

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