Chapter 6.

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Today was the day.

Itachi had been planning it for long enough to know—he’d barely slept the night before. All he could think about was all that was going to happen in the coming hours, and as he watched the sun rise with a blood red colour, overflowing onto the rest of the morning sky, it didn’t put him at any ease. It was with a heavy heart that he put his feet on the floor and got out of bed; that he did his morning routine and prepared for the day ahead. But when he finally finished, standing dressed and ready, he shook off all his hesitation, turning his face into the impassive mask it usually was. Whatever was to come now, Itachi had made his decision. He couldn’t go back on it—it was to save the village and to help Sasuke in whatever way possible. If he faltered, then it would only fail.

He had to stay strong.

The actual massacre wouldn’t take place until later, so Itachi busied himself with everything else that needed to be done—any last minute errands or final things he had to complete before he left. While making his way out of the house, he had avoided making contact with anyone, not wanting to have to make polite conversation with the feeling of dread growing in the back of his mind. Instead he made his way slowly around the village, simply admiring it and taking in all the details—as if to store them away in his memory for when he would no longer be here to see them. The peace and silence of the morning was one that Itachi wasn’t sure was a curse or a blessing; it allowed him to think and be alone with his thoughts, but it seemed to press in on him. Nothing he could do could take his mind off his so-called ‘to-do list’.

Imi herself hadn’t felt any better. She hadn’t been able to sleep at all, sensing everything and having images pop into her head every time she tried. At times they turned into nightmares, of screams and blood spilling, and she it was almost as if she felt Itachi's pain as her own. A dark cloud hung over her head, and though the weather was beautiful, it didn’t occur to Imi. Constant shivers ran up her spine, her head and heart heavy with all that was in the air. Even if she hadn’t met Itachi and heard the whole story, she would have sensed something big today. That a storm was brewing—but not the usual kind.

She went about her day in a sort of trance; doing everything she normally did but barely noticing any of it happening while she did it. What was she supposed to do, knowing what she did? Of what was to come? For a moment, going to talk to Itachi passed through Imi’s mind, but she brushed it away. He had things to do—to prepare for, and her showing up would only make things worse. It was hard enough on him already; it was only through distancing himself and isolating himself that Itachi had been able to do the things he had. He needed to be alone now more than ever…to gather his strength.

Except she wanted to say goodbye. At their last meeting, they had acted as if nothing was wrong—as if nothing was going to happen, and so just casually said goodbye to each other. It seemed wrong when Imi thought about it now, being so nonchalant with the situation being what it was—but that was the way they’d done it. They’d both said they didn’t want their last meeting to be one that was full of sadness and regrets—they wanted to enjoy the time together, and nothing else mattered. Only Imi couldn’t shake it from her head. There were things that had to be said, and when trying to be positive and optimistic about it all they couldn’t be said. Maybe she could leave him a letter? Just saying a few things—that because of him, he made her feel less ‘creepy’—to wish him well.

But she needed to see his face—to hear his voice.

A letter couldn’t do that.

The closer it got to the time, the more agitated Imi felt. She had never been a fidgety person—anything but. She was easily able to sit still and meditate or just think. But suddenly she couldn’t concentrate; trying to read only to shut the book and do something else, then a minute later come back and try to read again. It merely became a cycle, and the silence didn’t help. The only thing that jolted her out of this state was when something registered on her perception, and thinking that someone was approaching her house, she turned around to look out the window, only to tense up, automatically reaching for a weapon, as she saw someone right in front of her.

A second later and she shook it off—widening her eyes in surprise as Itachi's face appeared from the darkness. Not having any idea what he was doing here, she merely lowered her kunai and replaced it in her holster for the moment, Itachi being the one to first speak up as he greeted,

“It must be bad—you can sense people from miles away, so to not notice me even then…”

“It hovers in the air; that something is coming. But Itachi-san…what are you doing here? Don’t you…” Imi couldn’t bring herself to say anymore, but Itachi simply shook his head, replying,

“I have time, and I couldn’t spend anymore of it sitting in silence, broiling in my thoughts. I wanted to see you one last time, Imi-chan.”

Smirking slightly at this, Imi nodded, though upset with it all, still glad he was there to see her. So they sat and talked; though not as casually as before. Imi said she would keep an eye on things, but Itachi remained adamant that was not her responsibility. They spoke of memories; of the first time they met. They reminded each other to do—or not forget—things. But even with all Imi had been thinking that day—that she wanted to say a last goodbye to Itachi—the word never came out of either of their mouths. They said anything…except goodbye.

“I’ll miss you, Itachi-san. You’ve helped me a lot.” She whispered softly, not sure if she should continue—or if she even could.

Though as Imi spoke, Itachi watched her. Her hair was draped over her right shoulder, and with her bangs half covering her face, her amber eyes shone out beautifully from underneath, in contrast to the night black of her hair, and pale white of her skin. She’d always been beautiful, but tonight it seemed only heightened; every feature on her face was perfect. But though her face was calm, her hands not shaking, the emotion in her eyes rang out, and all they’d been through together came back to Itachi. From the moment they met and he’d been so awed by her presence to needing her so badly for support and help in his time of need. They’d always had a connection; always been close—but Itachi thought he finally understood it, and knowing this was it; that there was no more time after this, an impulsiveness came over him, and he didn’t hesitate as he leant forward and pressed his lips to Imi’s.

She widened her eyes in surprise, having not been expecting it, but didn’t push him away as he held the kiss for a moment longer, imprinting the memory into his mind to hold forever. By the time he pulled away and Imi opened her eyes again, he was gone—completely. However, the feeling of Itachi's kiss lingered on her lips, and gently touching them, almost as if to test it had been real, she whispered,

“I’ll see you again one day…I know it.” 

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