New pack

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Once I have crossed the line and told Luke what to do I sense the wolves coming, luckily for me my white fur is covered in mud and red blood, I keep walking a little while limping in wolf from with Luke still on my back he keeps petting my fur to conform and distract me and it's helping with the pain I think he broke my paw but I keep standing, that's when I see 3 wolves, they musta be the beta who is the second in command who has grey fur, then 2 warriors both brown in colour, they look at me and grin
The beta walks behind a tree and shifts into his human form and starts talking to me " what are you doing on our land rouge"
I don't answer and look at him and he grins and starts talking in a stronger tone, then look a Luke on my back and he starts talking again "SHIFT now rogue"
I walk behind a tree with Luke on my back, crouch so he can get off
Remember what I said if they ask I am mute okay
He smiles at me and nods once he is off I shift into my human form, I struggle to walk over to them with my broken ankle, Luke gives me support while walking to them, he is shaking with fear I look down at him and smile and pick him up ignoring the pain in my leg, he starts to whisper in my ear "m mummy a are we g going to b be o okay y your h hurt" I nod at him with a smile to try and reassure him, then the beta speaks up "I won't count on it rouge and kid the Alpha doesn't take to well with your sorts" he looks at Luke hugging me "you look to young for a child" his eyes start to cloud over he is mind linking with the warriors they shift to human form and walk up to me,
Beta starts speaking again" what are you doing here" I don't answer and he slaps me across the face making my lip bleed while Luke starts crying but I wipe his tears away and smile so he doesn't see my pain, "I will ask again what are you doing here" Luke is to scared to speak, then the beta punches me in the stomach and I start coughing almost dropping Luke, he don't, that's when one of the warriors try's to pull Luke from me and a growl at him which make him angry and standing on my broken foot making my yell out in pain and he takes Luke, Luke is screaming "m mummy h help" and is shaking in fear but I can't speak to him, "take them to the cells put them next to each other okay" the beta tells the warriors they carry Luke and drag me along, once we reach the cells it smells of blood and rotting flesh and I can sense Luke is terrified, they place him in his cell and chuck me and and I hit the back of the cell wall with a crack and whimper, "the Alpha will be down soon, he will have some fun before he kills you, he whispers in my ear and walks away.
As soon as they leave a crawl the the bars and reach for Luke who is is a ball
Luke look at me I'm okay I promised I would look after you and I will they will never hurt you okay
"I t trust you m mummy what if t they h hurt y you"
I start whispering to him
"I will be okay bud I'm a tough cookie okay, I promise I will come always be there for you"
"P pinky p promise"
"I pinky promise"
He gives me his pinky finger and smiles at me I sit as close to him as possible, and he does the same my warm is comforting him but the pain in my leg hurts so bad, as Luke falls asleep I start crying from the pain but I can correct it,
Me: rose don't heal me stop the healing process, so I won't heal wrong
Rose: it's going to hurt a lot mind
Me: that's fine just do it
With that the pain in intense I hold back the whimper and the tears start to fall, seen as Luke is asleep on my arm I don't mind as he can't see me cry.
After about 2 hours one of the warriors comes in and throws a mettle and tray from me and Luke with some food on, but I can sense he has done something to mine and not Luke's, he walks away with a grin on his face I wake luke up, at first he seems startled then remembers where we are and I point to his tray and he smiles taking it
"M mummy is it o okay to eat"
I smile at him and nod my head for him to eat
"W why aren't y you eating y your m mummy"
I'm not hungry bud, it's okay eat up I don't know when they will feed us again, eat it all okay
"O okay m mummy"
Once he has finished they came back for the tray once they see I haven't eaten my the warrior speaks to me
"Why haven't you eaten your food you ungrateful rogue" then opens my cell and slaps me
Close your eye luke, cover your ears and hum to yourself so you can't hear okay promise not to move until I tell you to okay
When I look at him I can see him nod I do aswell so he knows what to do and I smile at him quickly

With that the warrior moves close to me and throws the tray to my side and smirks, and pushes my against the wall and hits me in the stomach a few time and a hear a crack, he has broken two of my ribs
"Next time you don't eat what I give you, you will wish you had cause you would rather be passed out then awake for what I have planned" he whispers in my ear and drops me and locks the cell before going upstairs.

I crawl to Luke and tap his arm
It's only my bus it's okay look at me
His eyes are blood shot from crying i New he heard what he said and starts wiping the tears from my eyes when I lean my head on the bars
"I it's o okay to cry m mummy, I love y you"
"I love you to sweetie" I whisper back and he starts playing with my hair and I fall asleep to him humming a song and playing with my hair he is suck a sweet kid.

All of a sudden I jolt awake when I hear the door open

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