Metting the Alpha part 2

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Izzys POV

I struggle to open my eyes so I keep them shut and try to sleep some more, I can feel Luke hugging me at least I know he is safe, I hear the door open and the most amazing smell fills the air it's mint and chocolate, but I still can't seem to wake up i can still hear rose she is speaking to me

Rose: MATE it's our mate you can smell, keep your eyes closed izzy I will let you know when to wake up okay

Me: why can't i now

Rose: your to weak just sleep and let Luke and our mate look after us just sleep dream and picture if happy

With that I try to drift off but I can still hear and sense what is going on around me, I notice luke is no longer holding onto me and is crying I really want to open my eyes for him but I can't, but that smell get closer to me and I hear his voice and it sound amazing I want to hear him say my name I fell like I will melt with every word he says, no stop thinking like that I tell me self you don't know him.
As I clear my head I hear to starting to speak to Luke I just listen into the conversation hoping luke is okay with him.
"What's your name little man" the way he is speaking to him makes me smile he's trying to put him at ease, he doesn't sound like a typical Alpha
"M my n name is Luke b but m mummy calls me bud or sweetie"
"Why do you call her mummy"
"Cause s she saved m me a and is r really n nice to me"
" how about we take her to the doctor and one she is being seen you tell me about the both of you"
"O okay can I h hold m mummy's hand s so she d doesn't get s scared"
"Okay little man I will have to pick he up are you okay to walk next to me, no one will hurt you okay"
"O okay"

With that I feel sparks over my body and I feel really light I guess he has picked me and starts walking, I feel Luke grab my hand and give I a little squeeze back so he knows I am okay I hear his little voice speak to the Alpha
"M mummy just squeezed my h hand s she is o okay" I could hear the excitement in his voice
" did she that's good okay I'm going to put her on the bed and the doctor will come see her how about we go to the kitchen and get you something to eat and you can talk"
"O okay A Alpha"
Luke kisses my cheek and I can't sense them around me any more, I can feel hand over me and my ankle being re broken and sorted and my ribs wrapped and the lip had something on there I could hear talking to someone else saying I should wake up in a few hours.

Dereks POV

As I make my way to kitchen everyone is looking at the little boy walking next to me and he grabs onto my trousers

Dean: he is scared they are going to hurt him pick him up

Me: why I don't know him

Dean: don't be so mean look at him, if you pick him up the quicker you can take the food to our room and sit by mate

Me: okay okay

"Hey little man mind if I carry you it will be quicker and as soon as food is done we will eat it in mummy's room"

He nods and lifts his arms up, as I'm walking to the kitchen everyone is staring at the both of us, but I sit him on the counter
"Okay sit here and I will make pancakes don't move okay"

"O okay I won't"

As I leave him to go to the fridge the one person I hoped not to see turns up and puts her hands around my waste and I cringe
Dean: get her hands off us before I take over

Me: okay chill

"Olivia what do you think you are doing"
She just looks at me and flutters her eye lashes, she keeps hitting on me, but she is the packs slut I would never be with her plus I have been saving myself for my mate, who's upstairs
"Come on baby you know we could have fun" she says in a flirty tone and I want to gag
"No thanks I am busy"
"With this little run"
I look over to him and his eyes start to water and he moves back like he is scared of her
"He is my friend and you will talk to him with respect" I growl at her
"Why should I look at him, he's filthy, smells and cant even talk p properly" I snap at her I grab her by the throats and push her up to the wall
"I told you the repeat him, now I am warning you, if you ever speak about him like that again i won't hesitate kicking you out got it"
She just nods
"You can tell everyone else aswell to leave him alone got it" I used my Alpha tone on her for more of a effect and she just nods and looks scared, once I let her go she drops to the floor gasping for breath, when I turn around I see the little boy shaking like I'm going to hurt him I turn around and crouch a little
"It's okay little one I'm not going to hurt you, she had to learn some manners are you okay"
He nods once I finish the pancakes we walk upstairs and sit down.
"Okay what's your name"
"Okay Luke tell me about you first is that okay"
He just nods and starts talking " I am 5 m my real m mum and dad d died f from wolf w with r red eyes t they told me t to r run and I d did and I sat n next to a t tree and c cried u until m my new m mummy f found me"
"Sorry about your mum and dad Luke can you tell me about your new mummy"
"Old m mum and d dad w weren't nice to m me unlike New m mummy"
"What do you mean"
"T they never f fed me or l let me h have new c clothes I u use to c clean the h house"
"I'm sorry little man"
"M mummy name is Izzy I t think she said" he point to my mate on the bed with a smile
"What can you tell me about her"
"W when see f found me s she gave me f food and w water and asked if I w wanted to go w with her, s she would p protect me, s she can't s speak out l loud she said m mute but I d don't know w what she means"
"It means that she can't talk like what we are doing right now" he scrunches up his face like he is think hard about something "what wrong"
"C can I t tell you a s secrete"
"Yes of course you can"
"P promise n not to t tell m mummy may b be m mad"
"I promise
"P pinky swear" I gave him my Pinky and promised it cute
"M mummy c can talk b but only t to me" I looked at him confused but his faces looked like e shouldn't have said it but he didn't realise what he was saying
"So Izzy can speak but only does to you did she say why"
She shakes his head no " I t think some h hurt m mummy c cause when s she was a asleep I s seen stuff on h her b back"
I look at him then back to my mate thinking what has happened to her, so I go over to her and lift her top up on the back and see what looks like whip and knife marks
"S she has s something on h her n neck, I it looks s sore" my eyes widen thinking has she already been marked but when I love her hair and tilt her head I gasp in shock and growl

Dean: who ever done this will pay I will kill them

Me: trust me they will die

She starts to stur and her eyes start to flutter Luke runs over to her and sits next to her holding her one hand and putting his head on her chest then her open open, all I can see is these bright green eyes
She looks around not knowing were she was but as soon as she sees Luke she calms down

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